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Grüezi mitenand, konnichiwa!
I hope you and your loved ones are happy and healthy.
So much happened to all of us during the pandemic and unfortunately we had to cancel the last 3 editions of GINMAKU because of it. Now it is finally time to restart the festival and I am happy to share the dates with you.
GINMAKU 2023 Thursday, May 25 - Monday, May 29 (5 days).
Thanks to many requests from our audiences, we wanted to hold our 6th edition of GINMAKU in the larger cinema Kosmos in Zurich. But as you might have noticed, the Kosmos went bankrupt on 05 December 2022 and all the preparation was gone.
After some back and forth, we were welcomed back by cinema Riffraff and Houdini and are therefore very honoured and grateful.
We would like to thank all of you for supporting our festival. The festival has been successfully held thanks to your support. Arigatou gozaimasu…!
It is indeed a bit scary to restart, but we are ready to build a cultural bridge between Switzerland and Japan again with our festival.
We hope to see you at the GINMAKU 2023! Thank you for reading.
With my warmest regards,
Festival Director Mizuki Mazbara
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Grüezi mitenand, konnichiwa!
Due to the large impact of COVID-19, we had to take the decision to cancel the 2020 edition of the GINMAKU Japanese Film Festival. We are truly sad to announce the news.
Japan has declared a state of emergency and the situation is rapidly changing in my home town of Tokyo, too. Just like many of you, I am not sure when I can meet my family in Japan again in person - not digitally. It is a very difficult time for all of us but the GINMAKU team is trying to keep our heads up. We will continue to work for GINMAKU 2021 every day until this crisis is over so that we can all meet at the cinema next year.
The crisis has affected almost all of our festival partners. They are not giving up, either, and are carrying on with their passion during these severe times. These Japan related restaurants, shops and companies in Switzerland are looking forward to your orders and support:
Food and drinks Yoojis (Delivery and take out) Sato (Online sake shop) KABUKI Dressing - akari taste (Online shop, Coop, Globus, etc.) Sala of Tokyo (Voucher: info(at)sala-of-tokyo.ch) IZ Exclusive Japanese Tableware (Online shop)
Media Partner Asienspiegel (Please support our friend, film maker and journalist Jan Knüsel who writes about Japan everyday since 2009 )
All of our partners Festival website 2019
We wish that you and your families are safe and are staying healthy. We take a polite bow to send you regards from our hearts. Thank you for reading - arigatou gozaimasu.
With my warmest regards, Mizuki Mazbara Festival Director
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Grüezi mitenand, konnichiwa!
I hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy under these very challenging circumstances. The situation around COVID-19 is unpredictable, to say the least. And the GINMAKU team is having a difficult time organising the next edition of our film festival, planned for June 2020.
We are closely monitoring the situation around COVID-19 in order to come to a decision about GINMAKU. At the moment, we cannot tell whether the festival will take place as planned, or whether it will have to be canceled. We will keep you updated about the decision on our website and on social media, as well as in our newsletter.
Today the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan announced a travel ban from Japan to Switzerland. I have personally never felt both countries being physically and emotionally so far from each other. Every year GINMAKU’s wish is to bring Japan closer to you through wonderful Japanese films to create a cultural bridge at our festival. It would be really sad if we have to cancel our festival this year but we respect the current restrictions on events and put everyone’s health as our top priority.
We wish that you and your families are safe and stay healthy. The GINMAKU team and I love the Swiss style greeting. But these days, we choose our Japanese way: we take a polite bow to send you regards from our hearts.
Thank you for reading - arigatou gozaimasu!
With my warmest regards, Mizuki Mazbara Festival Director
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We are thrilled to announce the next festival dates: June 18 - 24, 2020 at Kosmos Zurich. Looking forward to welcoming you all!
今年のGINMAKU日本映画祭開催日程をお知らせします。2020年6月18日(木)〜24日(水) チューリッヒの映画館Kosmosにて、皆様のお越しをお待ちしています!
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Nun geht es los und wir starten unser Crowdfunding! 2018年「銀幕日本映画祭」のクラウドファンディングが始まりました!
Zum vierten mal wird GINMAKU Japanese Film Festival durchgeführt – Bitte teilen, weitersagen, unterstützen und mithelfen, dass es wirklich dazu kommt. 皆様のご協力をお願い致します。
Der Link zur Kampagne: キャンペーンのリンクはこちらです: https://wemakeit.com/projects/ginmaku-film-festival-2018
ありがとうございます, vielen Dank!
Viele liebe Grüsse, Team GINMAKU
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ar GINMAKU supporters,
Das Datum für GINMAKU 2018 ist jetzt festgelegt: Von Mi. 23. Mai bis So. 27. Mai
来年のGINMAKU日本映画祭開催日程が決定しました! 2018年5月23日(水) 〜 27日(日)
We are working hard to make the 4th edition happen. See you next year at Kino Houdini & Riffraff…!
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Nun geht es los und wir starten unser Crowdfunding!
Zum dritten mal wird GINMAKU Japanese Film Festival durchgeführt – Bitte teilen, weitersagen, unterstützen und mithelfen, dass es wirklich dazu kommt.
Der Link zur Kampagne: http://bit.ly/2lH9nDs
Arigatou gozaimasu, vielen Dank!
Viele liebe Grüsse,
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ar everyone
After all the long intensive months of preparation the 2nd GINMAKU Japanese Film Festival is over and it brought us a lot of unforgettable great moments! We still can’t believe that there were about 900 enthusiastic audiences coming to the festival and many screenings were sold out. We were so honored to have our special guests directors Kazuhiro Soda and Ryutaro Nakagawa. They made our festival truely a special one and it was heart breaking seeing them leaving Switzerland, realising that the festival is really over.
One of the biggest challenges we had this year was to screen twice as many films than in the 1st edition and organise the master class with director Soda at the university of Zurich. Thank you everyone who gave us a lot of advices and great spirit through hard times!
It would not have been possible without all of you who believed in our festival – thank you, danke viel mal, arigatou gozaimasu for your support on wemakeit. Thank you so much for being part of the festival and sharing our dream. So thrilled to create another cultural bridge between CH and Japan through upcoming Japanese films again. See you next year!
Warm regards,
Festival Director Mizuki Mazbara
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ar supporters! Please contact mizuki@ginmaku-festival.com as soon as possible for those who receive tickets or vouchers as a reward. thank you so much for your support
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Thank you so much for your support! Our 2nd crowdfunding project reached its goal with your help. We can’t wait to welcome you to the festival! We will be in touch with you about your rewards. Thank you again so much, arigatou gozaimasu….!
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Thank you very much for your support and be part of our GINMAKU Japanese Film Festival! Our project on wemakeit has 2 more days left. We appreciate if you could share it with your friends.
Our special guest director Soda has arrived in Zurich and he will do a master class tomorrow at the university of Zurich. You are all welcomed and we hope to see you at the university and of course at GINMAKU..!
Arigatou gozaimasu!
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ar Backers
Thank you so much for supporting our project. We are so nervous and excited for the big day! Less than a week to go till the project ends.