The Women Vocals 187 at Female Metal Fest
NEWS from 30.10.2018: the Friday is canceled! Ticketing now here: for Saturday, December 1, 2018!
4th edition of the FEMALE METAL FEST (FMF) in Geneva with 12 bands during the weekend!
ALL A WEEKEND WITH: Friday, November 30: 2nd edition of the Women Vocals 187 Saturday 1st December: 4th edition of the Female Metal Fest
Event infos :
This project combines a socio-cultural dimension through the values of solidarity, exchange, and volunteering and strengthens a whole community, born from an idea from Belgium under the name of «Metal Female Voices Fest» official «» or the «FemMely» which takes place in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
The aim of the «FEMALE METAL FEST» is to promote metal singers, a genre that developed strongly in the 90s and continues to be very successful.
WOMEN VOCALS 187 was created to SUPPORT all victims of sexual assault and the first edition took place on April 28, 2017 which was a real success.
The FMF springboard was held in May 2018 to raise funds for the festival, and put groups in the contest!
Bright Insomnia - Dead Dog Cafe (Winners) - Ephedryne -Nyx’O’Night.
Our partners : NOVEMBER-7, industrial metal band from Neuchâtel - CH, were the godfathers of the evening, closing the springboard to music!
Daily Rock, Taurus Studio, Gva Pro Studio, Roche N Roll Fest, were the Jury of this springboard.

My project is special because ...
This project aims to strengthen women’s singing in a Rock and Metal world, to raise awareness of women’s issues in our increasingly intolerant and respectful world, whether it be music or other news items we read about in the world. media.
We are not a feminist group, and our idea was born in 2014 under the influence of existing festivals in Belgium or the Netherlands.
We offer partnerships with associations and foundations in Geneva who will have their stands for prevention and information on domestic violence, sexual violence, and all forms of verbal or physical aggression.
The full benefits of Friday will be fully donated to associations and foundations partners in this project.
Swiss, French, Italian and Malta groups for 2018 (in alphabetical order):
Dead Dog Café, Neuchatel, CH Chaoseum, Lausanne, CH Gonezilla, Lyon, F MartYrium, Malta Penumbra, Paris, France Revival, Lyon, F Sceau de l’Ange, Annecy, F Secret Rules, Rome, Italy Titans Blow, Neuchatel, CH ALKEMY, Geneva, CH Wicked Plan, Biel, CH

This is what I need backing for.
We need a total of CHF 12’275.20 to realize this 4th edition, over 2 days, in the best conditions! However, we must reach the goal of the minimum amount of CHF 5’032.- for the festival to take place on a strict minimum (Saturday) and CHF 7’162.60 for the 2 days to take place (Friday and Saturday)!
The money will be used to pay 12 groups, volunteer meals and artists, room rental fees, present crowdfunding fees (8%), installation and technical management (equipment rental, professional sound engineers, lights, sound, hp), promotions (posters, flyers, social networks, posters, postings, ads), RC insurance and damage, various equipment (cutlery), security, promotional photo and video reporting, the purchase of t STAFF t-shirt as a souvenir to all our wonderful volunteers involved.
You will find all the links at the bottom of the page.