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Hello everyone, All the contributors you are, we thank you for playing the game, unfortunately you will all be reimbursed. Online ticketing is now open, free price or VIP to choice. We look forward to welcoming you and we hope to see you many!…/billets-fmf-female-metal…
Volunteer registration:…/inscription-benevoles-fmf-2018
(Friday 30.11 canceled, more info on this link:
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INFO IMPORTANTE : La soirée du vendredi sera annulé, à moins d’un miracle qui se produirait d’ici au 2 novembre, fin du crowdfunding. Pensez-bien que nous n’attendions pas que sur ces recettes pour réaliser cette 4è édition, c’est pourquoi le FMF le samedi est maintenu ! Restez connecté sur notre page le 5 novembre, nous annoncerons officiellement les modifications de cette édition et nous ferons également un direct live vidéo pour répondre à toutes vos questions à 20heures précise ! Pour tous ceux qui ont pris des dispositions (avion, hotel) vous serez invité à aller à une autre soirée dans la région de votre choix en guise de compensation. Tous ceux qui ont investi dans le crowdfunding seront intégralement remboursé par la plateforme directement et une billeterie en ligne sera mise en place.
IMPORTANT INFO: The evening of Friday will be canceled, unless a miracle that would occur by November 2, end of the crowdfunding. Remember that we were not waiting on these recipes for this 4th edition, which is why the FMF on Saturday is maintained! Stay connected on our page on November 5th, we will officially announce the modifications of this edition and we will also make a direct live video to answer all your questions at 20hours precise! For all those who have made arrangements (plane, hotel) you will be invited to go to another evening in the region of your choice as compensation. All those who have invested in crowdfunding will be fully reimbursed by the platform directly and an online ticket will be set up.
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Maiden’s Baroque Chamber on fire or: «(Who cares) how we met and founded WICKED PLAN?!»
Natali and Dan met in summer 1995 in Berne/Switzerland by chance, when Natali’s sister was looking for a Rock guitar teacher and… Dan was giving guitar lessons! Lucky girl \m/
A couple of months later Natali and Dan found out that both love 80ies Hard’n Heavy sound. At that time, Dan lead his Hard Rock band «Double 0 Zero» as guitarist and song writer. While Natali was writing and recording her own music too, which was kind of a thrasy underground Metal with spooky organs and hard rocking drums
So what lies closer at hand than to join forces!? Dan and Natali decided to move together musically - and a couple of month later also in private live. With that the foundation was laid for WICKED PLAN.
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Sceau de l’Ange propose un univers intense fait d’un Metal Progressif éclectique jouant sur les émotions et leurs contrastes. Cette musique élaborée mais accessible s’habille d’une voix féminine aux couleurs variées allant des sonorités les plus douces aux plus animales. Celle-ci délivre des textes en français intriguant et oniriques ayant pour particularité de privilégier la musicalité et le mystère…
Event :
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Le temps file à toute allure, notre projet a déjà atteint la mi-temps. Mais ce n’est pas comme au football. Ici, pas de pause d’un quart d’heure, il faut rester actif. Pour maintenir le contact avec notre demande de soutien, rien de tel que ces messages qui vous est destiné à vous, cher public, chers contributeurs, chers partenaires ! De la part des Artistes en personnes ! Sans VOUS, rien n’est possible… Voici Chaoseum en personne <3
Vidéo :
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Last year I first became aware of the Female Metal Fest in Geneva. This small festival is organized by the local band Alkemy. For this purpose, the musicians founded the non-profit association Wings Music & Events. President of the association is Katia, the singer of the band. Katia has also launched another festival, the «Woman Vocal 187», which addresses the abuse of women and supports victims of abuse. For organizational reasons, both festivals will be merged into a two-day event this year. Friday, November 30, 2018 is reserved for the second edition of Woman Vocal 187. One day later, on December 1, 2018, the fourth Female Metal Fest is rising. Venue is in the Chemin de l’Avenir 11 (Lancy Genève).
On both days, the guests are already welcomed at the entrance with an acoustic rendition of IN BLOOM, an electro-pop duo from Thonon in France. The festival organizers Alkemy can also be seen and hear on Friday. They jumped in for Ultima Ratio (Switzerland), who unfortunately had to cancel their appearance. I just saw Alkemy at the Voices of the Succubi Festival in Malta. From the Netherlands, the hard rockers Titans Blow will arrive. Revival are a metal band from Vaulx-en-Velin (Lyon region). On Friday I will finally be able to experience Wicked Plan (Büren, Switzerland), after only a brief meeting at Geneva Airport last year. Headliner of the first evening will be Penumbra, a gothic metal band from the French capital Paris.
After the acoustic welcome by IN BLOOM, six bands will enter the stage on the second day. Dead Dog Cafe (Martigny, Switzerland) were founded in November 2007 and claims to play alternative rock / metal. In contrast, the Lyon GoneZilla will present Doom Metal. From the Rhône-Alpes region come Sceau de l’Ange and then provide a Progressive Metal splash of color. I was able to see the Death Metal band Maryrium from Malta twice, most recently about one year ago in Hamburg. And a few weeks ago, I met the new singer Sandra at the Voices of the Succubi, with her own band Nekrodelirium. I already know some members of the band Chaoseum (Switzerland) from a show by Elferya at the Autumn Moon Festival in Hameln. However, singer Lola and guitarist Loïc show up in their new band from a slightly harder side. The headliners of the second evening will be Secret Rule. The band around frontwoman Angela Di Vincenzo has invited many prominent guest musicians for both previous studio albums, such as Henning Basse (Firewind, MaYan), Henrik Klingenberg (Sonata Arctica), Timo Somers (Delain) or Ailyn Giménez (ex-Sirenia). Since I’m quite curious about the stage performance of the tribe cast (after band information a quartet).
The list of the individual bands promises a varied weekend. I will meet many friends again, but I will see most of the bands for the first time. Also this year, the organizers have launched a crowdfunding campaign where you can buy tickets and various VIP packages:
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SECRET RULE – «Twin Flames» feat. Henning Basse: CHAOSEUM – Lilith: Martyrium – «Necropendulum»: Sceau de l’Ange – «Urgente théurgie»: Penumbra – Aion: GoneZilla Inferno: WICKED PLAN: DEAD DOG CAFE — WE NEVER KNOW: ALKEMY – Phantom of the Opera Nightwish cover:
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Bonjour à tous, avec toutes nos excuses, le groupe genevois, fondateur de l’asso et du fest, ALKEMY remplacera le groupe Ultima Ratio qui ne pourra finalement pas se produire, et vous présentera la sortie de son album avec les nouvelles chansons. Pas moins de 12 titres, dont 6 compos qui parlent de résilience, qui donne un message d’espoir à toutes les victimes d’abus et de violence par une expérience vécue, racontée et exteriorisée par le contraste musical du métal et de la symphonie, le bien et le mal, la survie, puis la vie <3