literature and music in the making
This is a first in many ways. It’s our first on wemakeit, it’s Igor Bauersima’s first novel, and for all of us a MiMiMi and everyone we talked to, the combination of weekly live concerts and literature while the book is being conceived and the writing is in progress is a first, too. It’s also a first because we decided to do this in our «own» theater, a big gym in the middle of Bern, that we’re transforming into the old town’s largest Salon. It’s probably also a first that anyone tries to pull such a thing off without lots of money to start with. But the place will not exist forever, so if not now, then when? In order to get this project flying, we need more than we can generate. We want to be accessible for young people, who don’t necessarily have the means to pay what would cover the costs of such a project. Which is why we started with solely relying on voluntary contributions at the end of each evening. To keep this up, we need your support.

A first novel
Igor Bauersima explains the motives for this adventure like this:
«I’ve written around 35 plays for small and huge theaters, I directed all of them, and they’ve been staged all over the world by other theaters as well. I directed and wrote for Operas. I made films and music. But I never dared to write a novel. I used to say, I’m too young for sitting at home for half a year, not seeing anyone. Well, I think the time has come when that excuse doesn’t hold up anymore. So I came up with this plan to have the cake and eat it too…
The novel is an epic, dark comedy about a killer-against-his-will. In the middle of his monstrous tribulations, he’s trying to keep his head together, and write letters to his child. I found absolutely awesome musicians to accompany me on this adventure. Together we are BIGMATOU. And we started to play and read the novel (its working title is HAIM ALTMAN’s ID) each Friday night at MiMiMi, «the largest Salon of Berns old town». The salon is organised as an association for the promotion of theater, literature, music and dance.
Please join us on this fantastic journey!
We’re giving it our all. You don’t need to do the same :) But we’d be super happy if you could become one of our patrons!»

What we need your support for
Our salon in the center of Berns old town is a temporary thing. It’s the old gym of Migros Klubschule. We’ve transformed it into a makeshift meeting place for people interested in the unexpected, the surprising, for art that happens at a fast pace, projects that have to happen faster than usual funding processes allow for. And this project is the beginning. We need to pay rent, infrastructure, lights, fridges, find sofas and chairs and amps and carpets and most of all, we need to pay the artists as we go along. That is what this campaign should allow us to do, no matter how generous or bare of means our audience might be.