The 80s. Wave, dark-wave-bat-cave-post-punk. From Vienna we brought our songs into the world, and are now doing it again:
Remastered, polished, antique and yet contemporary: on vinyl.

EUR 3’092

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154 %
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Concluso con successo il 31.1.2023

AWA | 35 years collectors-edition; Part 1

«A Wedding Anniversary», aka AWA. It is not only in the Goth scene that this name is still reverently murmured in the same breath as, say, The Sisters Of Mercy. In 1988, they found each other in the underground scene of Vienna and finally became legends from Paris.

For the 35th anniversary of the band’s founding, we are releasing an anthology of the band, starting with the debut album from 1989. This edition, limited to 333 copies and remastered, will not «only» contain all released and unreleased songs, but also those that were composed but never recorded before. The complete «Collector’s Edition» will contain 3 LPs, an EP and a photo book.

The launch of this anthology now begins - surprisingly - with part 1: «The Monks Of The Isis».

  • A Wedding Anniversary (1989)
    A Wedding Anniversary (1989)
  • A Wedding Anniversary (1993)
    A Wedding Anniversary (1993)
  •  AWA | Live 1988
    AWA | Live 1988

1988. A second «Summer of Love». Free. Innovative. Full of curiosity and, yes, also full of love. Today unimaginable.

The band A Wedding Anniversary wants to bring this (time) spirit back into the present. After 28 years (since disbanding in 1995). And with the original line-up! Without a net and a false bottom.

We remember: A Wedding Anniversary stormed into the focus of the domestic indie scene in one fell swoop in June 1988 with their debut concert at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. Their performances became veritable celebrations thanks to a loyal fan base. Excitingly, under contract with a French label (Dancetaria), they celebrated great success throughout Europe. Anyone who was out and about in Vienna at night in the years ’88 to ’90 (U4, Chelsea, Arena, Szene, Blue Box …) will undoubtedly remember their songs like «Man From The Hills», «On A Wedding Anniversary» or «The Monks Of The Isis». From 1990 onwards, they continued to write the AWA myth from Paris. There they were counted as part of the scene around London’s «Bat-Cave» and were considered one of the most influential bands of the genre between dark wave and goth.

On the other hand, for those bands that hired them as «warm-ups», AWA were «a bad opening act» -, affectionately so called, because the main acts had a hard time afterwards. Ask, for example, Wall Of Vodoo or Fields Of The Nephelim!!!

  • LP - 35 years, part I: The Monks Of The Isis
    LP - 35 years, part I: The Monks Of The Isis
  • Supporter T-Shirts «Monks - Re-Release» & «I’ve been there - I’m still here»
    Supporter T-Shirts «Monks - Re-Release» & «I’ve been there - I’m still here»
  • Hoodie
  • Poster Package 2xA1
    Poster Package 2xA1
  • Concert + Meet & Greet
    Concert + Meet & Greet
  • philosophical Meet & Greet
    philosophical Meet & Greet
  • 7« A Wedding Anniversary »The Man From The Hills"  (1989)
    7« A Wedding Anniversary »The Man From The Hills" (1989)
  • 12« A Wedding Anniversary »Asylum" (1989)
    12« A Wedding Anniversary »Asylum" (1989)
  • LP No Mercy-An Honoris Tribute To The Sisters Of Mercy & The Sisterhood
    LP No Mercy-An Honoris Tribute To The Sisters Of Mercy & The Sisterhood

Legendary songs in appropriate packaging

Your support secures the recently exploding production costs and helps with the studio session for the further, planned parts of the anthology.