Academic Medicine for Congo

de Hugues Abriel


Two young pediatric doctors from the University Clinics of Kinshasa (Congo) are invited to spend 5 weeks at the University of Bern to initiate and discuss research projects (cardiology and genetics).

CHF 9’268

154% de CHF 6’000

154 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

57 contributeur*rices

Clôturé avec succès le 5.7.2015

Your Support has Paid Off! A big THANK YOU!!!!De Hugues Abriel, le 18.08.2015

Lire la mise à jour

ar backers, colleagues, and friends,

On last Friday, after 5 weeks in Switzerland, Dr. Mubungu (Gerrye) and Dr. Kayembe (Claude) flew back to their hometown Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Their stay at the University of Bern will remain a memorable event for them and for us, as well as for all the ones who could meet them during this time!

The program was very dense. They could learn basic laboratory techniques, participate to clinical consultations at the Bern University Hospital, and give seminars in various Swiss universities. This has been very fruitful and will help them to progress in their academic path!

All this could be done thanks to your financial support. In addition, with the remaining money, they could purchase a portable electrocardiograph with special equipment allowing recording of ECGs in small children. This machine will allow them to perform first-of-its-kind research projects at their University hospital.

We would also like to thank all the colleagues from the University of Bern, Inselspital, and other Swiss Universities for their support and hospitality.

I wrote a short report on this stay and I am glad to share it with any of the backers who would be interested to read it. Please feel free to contact me per email at

This project is here to be continued and I am convinced that we will be able to count on your future generous support.

With our best wishes, Gerrye Mubungu, Claude Kayembe, and Hugues Abriel

Last Seminar and Farewell Party!De Hugues Abriel, le 05.08.2015

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ar backers, dear friends,

In less than 10 days the two pediatric doctors from Kinshasa will have to fly back to RD Congo. They had very dense days here in Switzerland – but this is not finished yet!

Tomorrow, Thursday August 6, they will give a Seminar at the UKBB (hosts Dr. N. Ritz and Prof. D. Finke) in Basel and they will also have to the opportunity to visit the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (host Prof. C. Burri). Please do not hesitate to contact me in case you would like to meet us in Basel (use my email address).

The farewell party will take place on Thursday August 13, 2015, (not on Aug. 14) at 16:30 at Murtenstrasse 35, 3008 Bern. Please let me know if you’d like to attend.

As said before, these last days were very intense with seminars, clinical visits and research activities. All this could be done thanks to your very generous support! A big thank you!!!

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Kind regards, Gerrye Mubungu, Claude Kayembe, and Hugues Abriel

Seminars and visits next week!De Hugues Abriel, le 23.07.2015

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ar backers, dear friends,

The visit at Uni. Zurich and ETHZ yesterday went extremely well! We would like to warmly thank Prof. Anita Rauch (Uni. Zurich) and Livie with Hanna (ETHZ) for their kind hospitality and for showing us so many interesting projects!

On next Monday (27.7.15), Dr. Mubungu and Dr. Kayembe will give a seminar at the University of Bern at 16:00, please check

On next Thursday (30.7.15), they will be visiting the Hôpital de L’Enfance in Lausanne and give a seminar.

If you would like to meet us in either cities, let us know by emailing me ( We are eager to meet our backers!

Kind regards, Gerrye Mubungu, Claude Kayembe, and Hugues Abriel

Seminar and visit in Zurich, Wed. 22.7.15De Hugues Abriel, le 20.07.2015

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ar supporters and friends,

This coming Wednesday at 11:00, the young colleagues will give a Seminar at the Institute of Medical Genetics of the Uni. Zurich (guests are welcome), more information on

We will then spend the end of the day visiting the Institute for Biomedical Engineering of the ETHZ. Please contact me ( if you would be interested to meet us either at the ETH or Uni Zurich.

We are looking forward to meeting you in person.

Gerrye Mubungu, Claude Kayembe, and Hugues Abriel

They are in Bern!De Hugues Abriel, le 14.07.2015

Lire la mise à jour

ar backers, dear friends, dear colleagues,

Dr. G. Mubungu and Dr. C. Kayembe landed for the first time in Switzerland on Sunday 12 July and since yesterday they are working and learning in our research group at the University of Bern.

We also can count on the very kind help of Dr. A. Medeiros-Domingo (cardiologist) and Dr. C. Rieubland (geneticists) from the Inselspital. Both Congolese doctors have already seen the first Swiss patients and cases. They are thrilled about what they see and learn…

Today we also had a first meeting with Prof. R. Jaggi (genomics) and Dr. I. Keller (bioinformatics) to start Gerrye’s project on a gene that may influence the severity of malaria in pediatric patients from Kinshasa.

We still do not know all the details of the program but please note the following dates:

  • 22 July we will be at the University of Zurich – Host Prof. A. Rauch
  • 30 July we will be at the Hôpital de l’Enfance in Lausanne – Host Prof. M. Gehri
  • 6 August we will be at Uni.-Kinderspital (UKBB) in Basel – Host PD Dr. N. Ritz and Prof. D. Finke

Two of our backers will be rewarded with a participation to one of our next lab meetings. I will contacting them to arrange the best date for their visit.

Eight of the backers will be rewarded with a visit to our lab. Please contact me ( as soon as possible in order to organize your visit!

The four backers, who will be rewarded with a personal invitation to the farewell party on either 13 or 14 August, will receive a personal note!

We are extremely grateful to all of our generous supporters; this has been a great campaign – it is very special to be able to share a bit of our wealth and knowledge with so smart and motivated young doctors!

We would also like to acknowledge the generous support of the Hans-Sigrist Foundation of the University of Bern which is paying for the rent of the rooms during their stay.

Do not hesitate to contact us!

We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

Gerrye Mubungu, Claude Kayembe, and Hugues Abriel

Only 4 more days for a superb finish!De Hugues Abriel, le 30.06.2015

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ar Backers, Colleagues and Friends,

In less than 4 days, the campaign will be closed. I can already tell you that this has been a great success! In the name of Dr. Mubungu and Dr. Kayembe, we would like to tell you that we are extremely grateful for your generosity!

The flight tickets Kinshasa-Zürich have been bought and our two young colleagues will be here at the University of Bern on 12 July! We are currently working on the details of their stay.

As said, we plan to go to the Universities of Zürich, Basel, and Lausanne to visit colleagues and give seminars. We will keep you informed using this «news» platform of wemakeit.

From 12 July until 14 August, they will spend most of their time in our research group and with colleagues of the Insel Spital. I am convinced that this will give them an excellent introduction for their research and activities in Congo!

Any supplementary support is obviously very appreciated – it will help them to do more when they will be here in our lab. It may also be used to buy ECG paper and other products that will be needed for their research back in Kinshasa! Inform your friends and colleagues.

Stay tuned – we will inform you!

Big Thank You for the Exceptional Support!De Hugues Abriel, le 18.06.2015

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Within less than 2 weeks, 38 backers/supporters have made this project possible thanks to their generosity!

In the name of my young colleagues from Kinshasa, I would like to say a big Thank You to all of you.

Our research projects are very concrete. We are currently discussing with Dr. Mubungu her project to sequence one gene in her patients that may confer resistance to malaria!

These genetic analyses will be performed during her stay this summer in Bern. We will need for that more funding to buy the chemicals and products needed for this project.

Bottom-line: We are still needing your support. It would be even more exceptional to reach 9’000 CHF!!!

Again: Thank You – Merci for the generous support!