With your help we’ll gather 1000 young minds in 1 place for more than a week, we’ll allow them to speak up and come up with solutions to global issues in cooperation with companies, government & NGOs.

EUR 5’970

119% di EUR 5’000

119 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

78 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 29.4.2016

AIESEC International Congress 2016 in Poland – what is it?

AIESEC International Congress is an annual meeting of young leaders of AIESEC. Every year it takes place in a different location. This year for the 3rd time in history, IC will land in the heart of Europe. AIESEC in Poland organised ICs in 1996 and 2006. The purpose of International Congress 2016 is to bring together 1000 young leaders from all around the world and connect them with different stakeholders to discuss and act upon the most important global issues. This year by bringing youth power to the heart of Europe we want to spark Poland and draw attention to its potential.

This year the Congress is organised by a group of 20-25 year old who rose to a challenge they had never approached before. They chose to commit themselves to gather the youth of the world to tackle world problems linked with entrepreneurship, sustainable development and diversity.

The last Opening Ceremony of International Congress in India 2015:

How to support us:

To support us financially click on the green button on the right saying «Back this Project!». You can choose any amount you wish to transfer.

We need up to EUR 12’500 to cover the costs of Opening Ceremony venue, while the whole International Congress will require around EUR 750’000. EUR 5’000 will still help us to make it happen in Poland, but it won’t cover the Teatr Wielki – National Opera…

No matter how much you donate, you can leave us your picture and a short message to IC delegates in the link below. Your messages will be passed to them at the beginning of IC. Your photo will become a part of the great poster at the OSSA Congress&SPA, the venue of the Congress. The poster will include AIESEC Alumni pictures that supported us put into the IC logo with a message that «AIESEC Alumni believe in the power of youth»!


Video of the entire Congress:

We love you and we appreciate your help! :)