Album Visuel – Laura Scaglia

di Laura Scaglia


Réalisation du premier album visuel suisse : 5 titres narrés à travers un court-métrage de 15min, alliant musique et cinéma, dont le coeur du message prône la tolérance et la diversité.

CHF 15’220

101% di CHF 15’000

101 %
Come funzionaä

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

63 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 30.12.2020

Prochain concert le 28 octobre !Di Laura Scaglia, il 22.10.2022

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Dear backers, I hope you had a wonderful summer ! If you missed my show at Rock Oz’Arènes this summer, you should check the highlights I just posted and grab your ticket for my next concert coming up next Friday, October 28th ! 🔥 Get your tickets on : See you there !

Chers, chères backers, J’espère que vous avez passé un magnifique été ! Pour ma part, j’ai vécu des sensations fortes en jouant au festival Rock Oz’Arènes ! 🔥 J’ai posté deux petites vidéos récap de la soirée sur les réseaux Pour (re)vivre ça en live, ne manquez pas mon prochain concert, vendredi 28 octobre :

Je me réjouis de vous retrouver à cette occasion ! Je vous partagerai des exclusivités… car oui, je suis en train d’enregistrer 5 nouveaux titres 🤫

À très vite,

Laura Scaglia

THE CALLING - FULL MOVIEDi Laura Scaglia, il 10.03.2022

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Dear backers,

I hope you’re all doing well and had a great winter ❄️ A lot has happened since last time I shared news here so I decided to keep you updated (if you aren’t yet following this journey on social media)

You’re all listening to The Calling on your favorite streaming platform, added it to your playlists, maybe have even bought it on Bandcamp… and thank you for that ! Most probably you also watched each video chapter and I’m sharing here the link to the full movie (15min) 🎞️ Make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel !

I got the opportunity to talk about this project with several media such as the 24heures newspaper, the Femina magazine, etc. 📰 I was also invited by RTS La Première, got interviewed by two Geneva-based independant media, etc. 🎙️ everything’s on my website ! 🌐

I’m having fun writing each of you (and more!) a personal thank-you note coming along with your reward, you should get them by the end of the month ! 📝✒️

I look forward to seeing you again at venues and festivals very soon, stay tuned ! 🤩

Your one and only, Laura Scaglia

MY VISUAL ALBUM IS OUT !Di Laura Scaglia, il 28.11.2021

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’The Calling’ is out, listen now !
’The Calling’ is out, listen now !

Dear backers,

I’m very excited to announce that the day has finally come : my visual album ’The Calling’ is out !!! 🎶 Use this link to listen on your favorite platform :

Writing, recording, shooting and promoting these 5 tracks wouldn’t have been possible without your support, so thank you again !! ✨

I’ll catch you in the morning with the music video of Ave Maria (Chapter 2) ! 🎥

Musically yours,


J-1 avant le grand soir !Di Laura Scaglia, il 15.11.2021

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Dear backers,

The release show is only one day away ! 🤩 As announced you are all invited this Tuesday evening at D! Club in Lausanne ! 🎉

Please copy-paste this link into your browser and register to confirm your presence : (You’ll be on the guestlist, you don’t need a ticket)

I am really excited to reveal my artwork, the project that kept me busy for two years. Get ready for the screening and the concert of The Calling !

See you there,


Kick starting the release !Di Laura Scaglia, il 03.11.2021

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Hello backers,

I hope you’re all doing well !

I am going through a very busy period as November is kick starting the release of The Calling ! Yes, here we are !! Every week, a new chapter of my visual album will be revealed ✨ Yesterday I posted the trailer, make sure you watch it now !

Also, and most importantly, I am inviting all of you to the release show on November 16th at D! Club in Lausanne. I am going to be performing live on stage and the movie is going to be screened 🎶 🎞️ You don’t wanna miss it ! Please register with this link to confirm your presence :

I am excited to see you there and till then, stay tuned


SAVE THE DATE - 16 NOVEMBERDi Laura Scaglia, il 06.10.2021

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Dear backers,

I’m back with exciting news : the premiere of my visual album ’The Calling’ will take place at D! Club on Tuesday evening November 16th !! 🎉 Mark it in your agenda ! More info coming soon… 🤩

Those who chose «invitation au vernissage» as a reward will get a personal invitation at home. ✨

Also, thank you so much for your messages after watching and listening to Better, here is a little «behind the scenes» video showing how it was shot !

I am so excited to release the full artwork ! 🎶🎞️ Till then, stay safe and tuned on social media !

’BETTER’ IS OUT !Di Laura Scaglia, il 24.09.2021

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You can now stream it on your favorite platform and watch the official music video :

Like the other tracks on the EP, ’Better’ addresses a topic close to my heart : domestic violence. It depicts the subtlety of a wavering love-hate relationship in a dysfunctional couple whose dark side takes over and leads to violence (verbal or physical). The lyrics resonate with an unacknowledged truth and blend with the trembling sounds of an electro-pop ballad. It is meant to open dialogues and help reduce the judgment felt by those who have the courage to come forward.

This artwork was once again made possible thanks to your help and support and I can’t thank you enough for taking part in this journey. ✨💌

Next step : the release of the full project in November 🤩 I’ll share more info soon, stay tuned ! Till then, make sure you follow me on social media !

Wishing you a wonderful weekend,

Laura Scaglia

BETTER is coming out this Wednesday !Di Laura Scaglia, il 20.09.2021

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Lovely backers,

Here I am with exciting news : a new chapter of the visual album is coming out this Wednesday September 22th : it’s called Better.

The message is deep, the aesthetic is pure. 💎💘

This short teaser reveals a part of it and I can’t wait for you to watch and listen to the full song.

Thanks again for making this possible ✨

Laura Scaglia

I was live on RTS ! 🎙️📻Di Laura Scaglia, il 18.08.2021

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A couple of days ago I was live on RTS La Première (n°1 national Swiss radio and TV channel) interviewed by Laurence Froidevaux for a morning of great talk and musical emotion 🎙️✨🎶

A great opportunity to promote my visual album and perform live three of its songs :

  1. Wanna Dance : released on July 2, go listen to it and watch the video if you haven’t yet !
  2. Better : coming out on September 17th (that’s my subtle way of announcing the next song’s release date) 🎉
  3. Freeride : the last chapter of the EP and will be released this fall

Listen to the full show on RTS Replay 🎧

Thanks to the media team and my musicians ! And thanks to you again for supporting this artistic journey ! 💌

Wanna Dance is now available everywhere !Di Laura Scaglia, il 04.07.2021

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It’s only been 2 days Wanna Dance is out there and I am filled with love from all of you ! Thank you !! ✨🎶

You’re streaming it on your favorite platforms and (above all!) watching it YouTube… and that makes me happy 🥰 Don’t forget to share it on your socials !

Here is the link to access it : Make sure you wear headphones to boost the feeling ! 🎧

Reaching this level of quality requires many hours of hard work. Hats off to the whole team, crew and cast who have gone above and beyond to deliver such a beautiful piece of art. Full credits are on the video description.

As a reminder, Wanna Dance is the fourth chapter of my visual album. The next one will soon be released… but before that I wish you a great summer vacation ! Stay tuned !

WANNA DANCE is coming out this Friday !Di Laura Scaglia, il 30.06.2021

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Dear backers,

It is with great excitement I announce the release of the first single this Friday July 2 ! 🎉

Wanna Dance is the fourth (IV) chapter of my visual album and is being released first as it’s addressing a specific topic for this pride month : love beyond genders 🏳️‍🌈

I am very grateful to have you on board this adventure and counting on your support is key to its success. You know the power of the internet and social media : it’s only through the likes and shares we will make this project reach a broader audience.

🎶 : Friday morning, the song will be available on all streaming platforms.

🎥 : Saturday noon, I’ll be waiting for you on YouTube for the avant-première of the video clip.

I’ll soon share all the links !

Before that, make sure you follow this journey on all platforms like Spotify, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc.

Last but not least, I am working on your rewards and will keep you updated over summer ! ✨

Thanks again for your support, this teaser should keep you on your toes !

Update & Radio InterviewDi Laura Scaglia, il 14.03.2021

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  • Behind The Scenes - Shooting DAY 2 (Th. Aebischer)
    Behind The Scenes - Shooting DAY 2 (Th. Aebischer)
  • Behind The Scenes - Shooting DAY 4 (Th. Aebischer)
    Behind The Scenes - Shooting DAY 4 (Th. Aebischer)

Dear backers,

A quick message to let you know that tomorrow (Monday) at 18h05 I’ll be live on Rouge FM to talk about my project and the success of this crowdfunding ! 📻✨

I also got a «bourse» from Canton de Vaud for Artistic Research & Development to keep on exploring innovative ways of creating and promoting art 🎉📜

To keep you updated on the operational status : since my last news we’ve finalized the video editing and color grading. We are also working on the last few edits on the songs mix, I was lucky to get feedback from professionals within the industry. 🎶

On the promotional side, the current covid siuation doesn’t help and I can’t give you yet a release date but I am working on exploring different strategies…

Thanks again for your support, let’s stay in touch and tune in tomorrow ! 🔥

THANK YOU !!!Di Laura Scaglia, il 03.01.2021

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Behind the Scenes - Shooting DAY 3 - by Thomas Aebischer
Behind the Scenes - Shooting DAY 3 - by Thomas Aebischer


From Switzerland, Italy, France, Denmark, Canada, Austria, the USA and the UK … you’ve shown support in bringing this visual album to life. Raising CHF 15’000 in 13 days was ambitious… and we made it ! I am very grateful to have such a diverse and strong community supporting my musical carreer and believing in it ! 🎶

The coming weeks are dedicated to the post-production and the search for partners to distribute and promote the visual album.

I will keep you updated and share some «behind the scenes» through my social media and newsletter, follow and subscribe if you haven’t yet !

Wishing you all a healthy and entertaining new year ! 🎊 Excited to show you what I’ve been working on !

Interview RedLine RadioDi Laura Scaglia, il 26.12.2020

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¯\_(ツ)_/¯Oops, il video è stato rimosso dal progettista.

J’étais dans la matinale d’Alex mercredi matin sur RedLine Radio pour parler de mon crowdfunding !

@Alex : «T’aurais pas été engagée par une chaîne payante rouge qui fait TOUDOUM comme ça, qui commence par N et qui fait «flix» ?! Parce que ce que tu es en train de nous proposer c’est un peu ce qui est très à la mode : une mini-série.»

@Laura : (rires) «C’est exactement ça, c’est une mini-série. Qui au total durera 15 minutes, si on met les épisodes bout à bout on pourrait regarder ça comme un court-métrage en une fois.»

Plus que 3 jours pour prendre part au succès de ce projet unique ! 🎶🎞️

Petit rappel sur le principe du crowdfunding : c’est tout ou rien… et il nous manque CHF 3’000 pour atteindre l’objectif ! 💯 Alors clique sur ce lien et choisis ta contre-partie !

Merci pour ton précieux soutien ! 🏻

Coup de boost !Di Laura Scaglia, il 23.12.2020

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Merci pour tous vos dons, partages et messages d’amour !! ✨🏻

Grâce à votre soutien, WeMakeIt a placé le projet dans ses «coups de coeurs» et Swisscom Music Booster a contribué au financement participatif ! 🎉

On est loin d’avoir fini, il vous reste 6 jours pour lever la deuxième moitié de la somme fixée et ainsi soutenir ce projet atypique. Pour rappel, le principe du crowdfunding c’est tout ou rien… alors je compte sur vous !! 💪

Besoin d’un petit boost de motivation … ?! Je vous ai préparé une nouvelle vidéo, présentant ma collaboration avec Mei Fa Tan et incluant quelques extraits de ses précédents travaux 🎞️✨ Enjoy !