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Anoraque Debut EP


Basilea e Amburgo

The debut EP of Basel based band ANORAQUE will be recorded in Hamburg and released in spring 2016.Help us realize this project!

CHF 4’459

111% di CHF 4’000

111 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

26 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 19.2.2016

DONE!!!Di ANORAQUE, il 19.02.2016

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our crowdfunding campaign is over! thank you so much for helping us reach the money we needed and even more – we will spend it wisely. we are at Clouds Hill Recordings right now recording our EP, here’s a little impression.

WE MADE IT!!!Di ANORAQUE, il 06.02.2016

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yesterday was great: we won 2nd place at Rampe 2016 and we reached our crowdfunding-goal on wemakeit.

thank you so very very much for your support and help.

it’s been great with you guys so far. we are really happy.

Nearly 3000 CHF so far - Thank you!Di ANORAQUE, il 15.01.2016

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MEGAGUT: working on our our ep-recording and new sounds, we received the happy news that Swisscom Music Booster supported our crowdfunding campaign (and a lot of other nice people too).
but we still need more help from all you nice people out there! thank you thank you thank you!