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APART – Short Film

von Lukas Galle


A short film, set in a post apocalyptic world, which is about a girl who is on the look for other human contact, while ultimately she just tries to fulfill her deepest wish, not being alone anymore.


0% von EUR 5’000

0 %
So funktioniert’sä

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

0 Unterstützer*innen

Abgeschlossen am 19.8.2019


I think the best way for me to begin is to tell you how I came up with this idea. Back then I had a dilemma in feeling lonely. As a result of that, I started reading a lot about the topic of loneliness. Nowadays we are linked to everyone through the internet, ironically this is what makes us feel even more lonely and unsure where our place in the world is. So I started thinking, «What if a girl goes on a life threatening adventure with the hope of overcoming her loneliness?» And that’s certainly true for Amelia, the hero of my screenplay, APART. She is a 25 year old young woman and lives in a post apocalyptic world. As she suddenly receives a SOS call from someone unknown, she finally sees her chance for not being alone anymore. Thus she decides to look for the person behind it.

The only problem is that a monster is following her, so know she not only has to deal with the challenges of survival but a dreadful killer. Apart is a story about a young woman, who finds herself on the limit of her physical condition while trying to fulfill her deepest wish, not being alone anymore.


What makes our project the most special are our sponsors! Early in our pre-production phase we got in touch with two of the biggest brands (Arri, Teradek) in the movie market in terms of equipment. Soon they agreed by helping us out on that project. We can proudly announce that we are getting an Arri camera worth 60.000€ and other equipment worth 5.000€ provided through the time-period shooting takes place.

The camera we're shooting on.
The camera we're shooting on.


We don’t just wanna make another good indie short film. We want to make something great, something remarkable, something that still catches your emotions after watching it several times! With an additional 5.000€ we are able to cover costs like paying actors, transport, catering and renting still missing equipment. Wouldn’t you strive for that too? Additionally, after the projects completion we’re submitting it to different international film festivals and it will be available on Amazon Prime Video Direct! Each donation you make brings us closer to our goal and opens up an unique opportunity! You want to be part of this? Donate now and go on this adventure with us! THANK YOU!

Our short film will be available on Amazon Video Direct.
Our short film will be available on Amazon Video Direct.