Book: Lias Football Journey
by Meret Yannice Wälti and KALEIO für Mädchen (und den Rest der Welt)
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Dear supporters,
You are incredible! 💛⚽📖
Thanks to you, «Lia’s Football Journey» is becoming a reality! Your support has made this project possible, and we can’t wait to hold the book in our hands and send it to you. Printing will start soon, and if everything goes as planned, we’ll begin shipping all books and goodies in mid-April. So just a little more patience
But this is only the beginning! The official pre-sale starts on March 10 – spread the word! Tell your friends, family, football fans, and book lovers.
A heartfelt THANK YOU for your support!
Meret & Lia Wälti
P.S. Mark your calendars for June 4, 2025: That’s when the official book vernissage will take place at Castle Köniz (Bern) – with a special event for children and a big reading! We’ll keep you updated, so check our socials soon!