Graceful fish, remarkable seashells, weird shapes and the blurred distinction between plants and animals inspired the unique artist book by Myrtha Steiner.

CHF 4’620

115% di CHF 4’000

115 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

32 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 14.8.2014

The phenomenal submarine world of coral reefs displayed on hundreds of pages, distinctively drawn and printed by the hand of the artist in a limited edition. Take part in this outstanding project and receive an exclusive print!


In 2004, I was living and working in an art studio in Singapore. I learned to dive and thereby discovered a mesmerizing new world: The world of coral reefs and sea animals, dispersing in front of my eyes, mind-boggling and stimulating.

During 52 dives which took 2382 minutes all together, I was exploring the flora and fauna of the South China Sea with growing fascination. Curious fish, colourful seashells, arcane formations, the disappearance of yellow and red colours while descending – each dive brought new discovery.

My observations became the source of the book «Boxfish & Co.». I am drawing and printing each of the pages with my lithography press, in an edition of 12 copies. Contrary to the astonishing colours of the sea I am printing with black ink only.

Why do I ask for your support:

The artist book is a long-term project. It will take many years to finish. After a fire in my studio in 2009, I had to start over. The already printed edition was partially destroyed. I will present the supporters with the pages that remained undamaged.

How I will invest your donation:

Purchase of printing material – paper, printer’s ink, sand to grind the stones, gum arabic, etc. – to continue the project.


I cordially invite you to see the course of the project!

  • Opening: Friday, September 7th, 2012, from 6–8 PM at the kabinett visarte zürich, Schoffelgasse 10, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland
  • Duration of the exhibition: September 8th–29th

«Boxfish & Co.» - Technique: hand-printed lithography - Size: 18 x 11 cm - Number of pages: ca. 600 - Edition: 12 and 1 AP