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ar contributors of the ’Cabaret Bizarre book’
Thank you very much for your patience!!! After the postponing and canceling of the exhibition and book publishing in Japan and the delays due to Covid and the search for a new editing house, I am more than happy to announce, that the books finally arrived yesterday.
There will be a book launch on saturday 29th of october at Sudhaus Basel. All the contributors will have the opportunity to pick up the goodies at the book launch, in case they attend the book presentation. For all contributors who will not attend the book launch, I will send the items by post.
Attached you find the invitation. I will also e-mail you this invitation.
Hope to see you on 29th for the book launch. All the best
Invitation Book Launch
Kostas Maros Cabaret Bizarre
Saturday, 29th October 2022, 7-9 pm, free admission Sudhaus, Burgweg 7, Basel
book presentation by Kostas Maros performance by X Schneeberger Apero
The photographer Kostas Maros has been accompanying the artists and performers of Cabaret Bizarre since 2013 in the course of their appearances throughout Europe. The photographs, which have been awarded numerous prizes, were taken both during the performances and also backstage. Intimate and unadorned, they show moments of tension prior to performances or those moments of euphoric exhaustion after the show. The result is an opulent photo book.
Cabaret Bizarre was inspired by the gloomy, sombre cabaret and variety theatres in Berlin in the 1920s and early 1930s, as well as by the surreal aesthetic of Federico Fellini and Luis Buñuel. It is a freak show, a carnival of desires, a ball of extremes, for flamboyant personalities and non-conformists, a festival of the unconventional and the bizarre.
(Afterwards there will be a Cabaret Bizarre show in the Sudhaus. Dress code! Admission CHF 47.–, more info and tickets on http://cabaretbizarre.net/events)
Einladung zur Buchvernissage
Kostas Maros Cabaret Bizarre
Samstag, 29. Oktober 2022, 19 – 21 Uhr, Eintritt frei Sudhaus, Burgweg 7, Basel
Buchpräsentation von Kostas Maros Performance von X Schneeberger Anschliessend Apéro
Seit 2013 begleitet der Fotograf Kostas Maros die Künstlerinnen und Performer des Cabaret Bizarre bei ihren europaweiten Auftritten. Die mehrfach ausgezeichneten Fotoarbeiten entstanden während der Vorführungen, aber auch im Backstage-Bereich. Intim und unverstellt zeigen sie Momente der Anspannung vor den Auftritten oder die Augenblicke euphorischer Erschöpfung nach der Show. Entstanden ist ein opulentes Fotobuch.
Inspiriert wurde das Cabaret Bizarre von den düsteren Kabaretts und Varieté-Theatern im Berlin der 1920er- und frühen 1930er-Jahre sowie von der surrealen Ästhetik Federico Fellinis und Luis Buñuels. Es ist eine Freakshow, ein Karneval der Lüste, ein Ball der Extreme für Paradiesvögel und Unangepasste, ein Fest zu Ehren des Unkonventionellen und Bizarren.
(Anschliessend findet im Sudhaus eine Cabaret Bizarre-Show statt. Dresscode! Eintritt CHF 47.–, weiter Infos und Tickets auf http://cabaretbizarre.net/events)
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ar contributors of the ’Cabaret Bizarre book’
Thank you very much for your patience so far!
After the postponing and canceling of the exhibition and book publishing in Japan, I have been checking and contacting a lot of publishing houses in Switzerland or Germany. After a few months of research, waiting and correspondence with different publishing houses, I am very happy to announce I found a swiss publishing house which intents to publish the book ’Cabaret Bizarre’. The body of work will be published at Christoph Merian Verlag which also published my first book about Hidden places in Switzerland. We are starting to work on the book publishing, layout, grafic design and the book should be available in the bookstores from september 2022.
I am very happy I can start to work on the book now and thank you all for your patience and support!
I will keep you updated concerning the next steps & the publishing process.
All the best Kostas
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ar contributors of the ’Cabaret Bizarre book’
Due to the extraordinary situation these last months the scheduled exhibition in Tokio (september 2020) and the book publication, which was scheduled at the same time (september 2020 in Tokio) and which was already postponed to may 2021 have to be canceled.
Japan is still closed for foreigners for the known reasons. The gallerist and publisher informed me that they can’t publish a book and open an exhibition in may 2021.
I am very sad and disappointed about these news! I was hoping to publish the book & was looking forward to the exhibition at gallery Tosei-Sha in Tokio, Japan. Especially because I had the feeling that the topic was met with great interest in Japan.
I apologize again for the long waiting time.
During the next weeks I will check if there are any possibilities to publish the book in Switzerland or Germany. I will get in contact with potential publishers to check the options we have.
I will keep you informed as soon as I know more concerning publishing the book in Switzerland. In case some people are not willing to wait anymore, please contact me: kostasmaros@gmail.com.
In any other case I thank you again for your understanding & your patience and hope we will be able to publish the book in Switzerland.
All the best kostas
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ar contributors
Due to the extraordinary situation these last months the scheduled exhibition in Tokio (september 2020) and the book publication, which was scheduled at the same time (september 2020 in Tokio) and in the late fall 2020 in Basel Switzerland was postponed.
I had to wait to be able to reorganise the exhibition and book publication and I am happy to have new -confirmed- dates.
The exhibition was postponed to may 2021 in Tokio, Japan. The opening of the exhibition will be on 7th of may 2021. The book will be available at the same time in Japan, and a few months later in Switzerland.
I apologize for the longer waiting time and look forward to hold the book ’Cabaret Bizarre’ in my hands and to share it with all of you guys. Thanks for your understanding & your patience!
Kostas MAROS
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ar contributors
Thanks for all your help so far! Amazing!
We almost reached our goal to cover a good part of the production costs of the book ’Cabaret Bizarre’, However we still need your support! let’s go! The campaign is running for only 4 more days..Click on the link below, preorder a book and help us by supporting this project. To cover the costs of graphics, printing and proofreading we need your support 💥
Even small amounts help us to a successful finish