Une reconstitution palpitante d'une comédie musicale médiévale de Noël! Jouée il y a exactement 550 ans et présentée pour la première fois depuis. Un premier enregistrement sur CD par ReRenaissance!

CHF 4’495

15% di CHF 29’000

15 %
Come funzionaä

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

53 sostenitori

Concluso il 19.1.2024

Now accepting direct donations!Di ReRenaissance – Forum Frühe Musik, il 26.01.2024

Leggi Aggiornamentoä
Donate here directly!
Donate here directly!

Dear backers,

Thanks so much to the 53 of you who pledged money to this campaign! Although we didn’t reach our goal, we are positioning ourselves to renew efforts in the future and create the first ReRenaissance recording.

Will you help us kickstart this fund? Find the bank transfer information in the attached image or visit https://www.rerenaissance.ch/spenden/ and indicate «Recording» or «Aufnahme.»

All the best from the team at ReRenaissance – Forum Frühe Musik

Final days to donate!Di ReRenaissance – Forum Frühe Musik, il 14.01.2024

Leggi Aggiornamentoä

Dear all,

Thank you for being one of the 46 generous backers for «Noël normand – Rouen 1474.» Because of you, over CHF 4,000 have been pledged to help share new Renaissance music to the world.

This is still a long way from our goal. Do you have any friends or contacts with whom to share this project? Now is the time to ask and share!

Additionally, please sign up now to receive our ReRenaissance newsletter, where we will communicate next steps after our fundraising deadline on Thursday morning.


All the best, The Team at ReRenaissance – Forum Frühe Musik