CHF 12’887
128% of CHF 10’000
This is how it works
The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.
168 backers
Successfully concluded on 28/9/2020
CHF 12’887
128% of CHF 10’000
The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.
168 backers
Successfully concluded on 28/9/2020
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one love! Keep’em coming!!
Mathyas on 26/9/2020 20:12
Die Musik gefällt mir. War schon am Konzert.
Markus Thoma on 26/9/2020 10:04
I've almost never gave money to a crowd funding but this one is a very special one a this music is 💙💜💙
Peter the sound guy on 25/9/2020 13:43
Yes! Freue mich aufs Album Simon. <3
Gian Rosen on 22/9/2020 10:39
Go simu! du schaffst das! gruss
Matthias on 14/9/2020 13:30
Vel erfolg Simi. Ech hoffe ech schaffes ändli mol anes kinsärt vo der.
Lg Adi Leutwiler
Schieberkönig on 4/9/2020 14:31
Ich kenne die Eltern von Simon und das Album soll auch ihnen Freude machen.
Thomas Sidler on 31/8/2020 12:01
LTJ’s last album is by far the most played LP in our living room. Can’t wait for the new cloudy sound to become part of my life!
Samuel Eberenz on 30/8/2020 17:41