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3progetti in corso in architettura

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Buchprojekt GEORG RAUH

Fotografia, editoria e architettura

San Gallo

Buchprojekt GEORG RAUH

di Christine Egli & Dorothy Holt Wacker

Der Nachlass des Schweizer Bauhaus Architekten Georg Rauh wird aufgearbeitet und anhand einer Monografie dokumentiert. Schlüsselwerke werden porträtiert und Themen seines Schaffens textlich erörtert.

71 %
CHF 21’595
9 giorni rimanenti
One moment to breathe

Mostre, architettura e arte


One moment to breathe

di Garda Alexander

The exhibition during the Architecture Biennale in Venice focuses on the importance of public regeneration zones. Support me in raising awareness for creating such power spots in everyday life!

108 %
CHF 17’320
1 ora rimanente
Animate Architecture

Mostre, editoria e architettura

Venezia e Zurigo

Lisbeth Sachs (1914–2002) is the «doyenne of Swiss women architects». To publish the meticulously researched book «Animate Architecture» I need your help for translation, graphic design and printing.