concert video / concert

concert video / concert

by Bernhard


you will support the production of a concert video and an exclusive concert with Beethovens Kreutzer-Sonate

CHF 6’023

109% of CHF 5’500

109 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

18 backers

Successfully concluded on 4/7/2020

About us

We, Oleksandra Fedosova (violin, born in Ukraine) und Lika Bibileishvili (piano, born in Georgia) met in 2008 in Munich and we’ve been close friends ever since. Our understanding of each other has also been transferred to music. That is why it is always a great pleasure for us to make music together. Since we now live in different countries (Swizerland/Germany), we last recorded a concert in 2015:

Our project

Because of the Corona crisis, all of our concerts are currently canceled. Therefore we had the idea to enable our supporters to attend an exclusive concert and to pre-produce a professional concert video from this concert; a video that we can publish on youtube as a reference. As independent musicians, we rely on your help. We selected the epoch-making Kreutzer Sonata by Ludwig van Beethoven because it has been our dream for many years to work on this work together, play it publicly and make a professional video recording of it. In addition, we will also play a few brilliant pieces. Recordings and an exclusive concert will take place on July 18, 2020 in the wonderful baroque room at «Kultur im Horn» in Meilen (Switzerland).

Barockstube «Kultur im Horn»
Barockstube «Kultur im Horn»

Thank you

We would be very happy if the project came about and thank you for your support.