Good Costumes are essential!
The Gymnasium Muttenz presents the musical»RATS»,our interpretation of the hit «CATS». People who have seen the original know that the costumes are an integral part of the musical. A good costume lets the audience know who a character is before he even speaks a word. We are making our costumes ourselves and want to extend our budget to ensure the highest quality possible. We are thankful for every donation and we hope to welcome you on the 19th, 20th or 21st of February 2020, 8pm to our performances in the Theater Roxy in Birsfelden. See you soon!

Our young cast
As students of the Gymnasium who love music, we want to ensure the best possible quality for our production. For many it is the first musical they perform so we want it to be something special. «CATS» is a very demanding musical but it is also one of the most iconic musicals ever. It means a lot of work for all of us, yet we enjoy the work and the weekly rehearsals.
Quality is important to us
We have all taken on different jobs in the context of the musical, beside our roles on stage. One of those jobs is the designing and producing of the costumes. People who have seen «CATS» know that the costumes are extravagant and need a lot of effort. To ensure the quality of the costumes we are asking for donations.