Couple Fun: Enjoy the moment

by Couple Fun


The erotic board game for couples! Let yourself be taken away by over 160 spaces filled with seduction, sensuality, and exciting challenges into a world of intense passion.

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2 backers

40 days to go

What is Couple Fun About?

Couple Fun is a unique and erotic board game specifically designed for couples who want to deepen their relationship in a playful and sensual way. With over 160 lovingly crafted game spaces, the game transports you into a fascinating world full of passion and intimacy. The game is divided into two main areas: the foreplay area and the sexual adventures area. These two zones offer a balanced mix of gentle approaches and exciting challenges that help elevate your relationship to a new level.

Game Mechanics and Content Every game of Couple Fun promises excitement, seduction, and unforgettable intimate moments. The game spaces are designed to offer a variety of activities and challenges that promote both physical and emotional closeness. Whether through sensual massages, deep questions, or erotic tasks – Couple Fun encourages you to openly discuss your desires and needs and discover new facets of your relationship together.

The game includes various categories of tasks specifically designed to strengthen communication and trust between you both. From gentle touches and loving gestures to passionate challenges, Couple Fun offers a wide range of activities that enrich your relationship and bring variety to everyday life.

Why Did We Develop the Game? Manuela and I, Peter, are very experimental and have tried numerous games over time to strengthen our relationship and find new ways of communicating. We found that it wasn’t always easy for us to openly talk about our feelings and desires. This challenge inspired us to develop a game that exactly fills this gap and helps couples grow closer in a playful manner.

Unfortunately, there is no game on the market that combines all our ideas and desires. Existing games often offer only limited opportunities to deepen the relationship or are not sufficiently tailored to the needs of modern couples. Therefore, we decided to embark on development ourselves and create Couple Fun – a game that is both entertaining and profound, helping couples strengthen their connection.

Our Vision for the Future After successful funding and realization of the first edition, we plan to create a professional online shop to make Couple Fun available worldwide. Additionally, we will develop a comprehensive marketing concept that includes social media campaigns, targeted advertising, and participation in relevant fairs and events. Our goal is to make Couple Fun a well-known and cherished game for couples, finding a permanent place in many households.

Furthermore, we aim to continuously optimize the game. Player feedback will play a central role in developing future editions and expansions that better cater to the needs and desires of couples. In the long term, we also aim to translate the game into additional languages to reach an international audience and allow couples worldwide to enrich their relationships with Couple Fun.

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Why Should the Couple Fun Project Be Realized?

Strengthening the Partnership: In a time when daily life is often hectic and stressful, intimacy in relationships frequently takes a backseat. Couple Fun offers you the opportunity to deepen your togetherness in a playful and exciting way. The game fosters communication and closeness between you and creates shared experiences that strengthen your bond.

Innovative Concept: Couple Fun goes beyond the classic board game. It combines fun gameplay with intimacy, creating a unique experience that has received little attention in the gaming world so far. There are very few comparable games that promote relationships in such an entertaining way while simultaneously reigniting romance.

Market Gap: Games that focus on strengthening relationships and intimacy remain rare. Couple Fun addresses a market gap by targeting couples who want to enrich their relationship in a playful manner. With this project, we can tap into an innovative niche and offer something new and exciting to many couples.

Promotion of Communication and Trust: A core element of Couple Fun is open communication about desires and needs within the partnership. This is an essential building block for a healthy relationship. Through the game, you learn to speak openly and build trust, which has a long-term positive impact on your relationship.

A Contribution to Greater Well-Being: Studies show that a fulfilling partnership has a significant impact on personal well-being and life satisfaction. Couple Fun promotes the emotional and physical connection between you, contributing to a happier and more balanced life.

How Can You Support Us? To successfully implement the Couple Fun project, we need your valuable support for the following crucial steps:

Production of the First Game Edition in German: The minimum order of 500 copies represents a significant financial challenge for us. With your support, we can ensure the production of the first series and bring the game to market. We have already secured competitively priced offers, but without the necessary financial foundation, we cannot manage this step alone. Subsequently, other languages will follow!

Packaging and Design Optimization: To ensure that Couple Fun is visually appealing and reflects the high-quality experience it offers, we want to invest in attractive and durable packaging. A professional and stylish design will help the game stand out from the competition and increase its brand recognition.

Marketing and Distribution: To successfully launch and promote Couple Fun, we need a solid marketing budget. Your support helps us increase the game’s reach across various platforms—be it through social media campaigns, targeted advertising, or participation in relevant fairs and events. This way, we can reach a broad audience and successfully establish the game.

Logistics and Shipping: Once production is completed, we want to ensure that the games are shipped smoothly and promptly to all supporters and customers. For this, we need funds to optimally organize shipping costs, storage, and the logistical process.

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Why Your Support Matters!

Exclusive Rewards: Supporters of our project receive exclusive benefits such as limited editions, personalized game cards, or special acknowledgments within the game.

Early Access: As a supporter, you get the opportunity to test the game before its official launch and have your valuable feedback directly incorporated into the final production.

Community and Exchange: Become part of a dedicated community of couples working together to improve and develop Couple Fun. Exchange ideas, share experiences, and benefit from shared moments.

Join us and invest in happy and fulfilling relationships with Couple Fun!

We firmly believe that Couple Fun can have a positive impact on the relationships of many couples. With your support, we can achieve this goal and help couples around the world strengthen their love and connection. Every contribution, no matter how small, is an important step towards realizing this project.

About the Developers: Manuela and Peter are a dedicated couple with a passion for games and interpersonal relationships. Through their own experiences in their partnership, they have recognized the importance of open communication and shared experiences. With Couple Fun, they want to give other couples the opportunity to strengthen and deepen their relationship in a playful and sensual way. Their goal is to create a game that not only entertains but also has a lasting positive impact on the players’ relationships.

Our Mission: Our mission is to provide couples around the world with a tool that helps them nurture their relationship, improve their communication, and enhance their intimacy. Couple Fun aims to deepen the connection between partners and create shared, happy moments that form the foundation of a strong and fulfilling partnership.

Together for strong relationships – with Couple Fun!