During my diploma thesis I accompany eight residents of the "Wohn-und Werkheim Sunnerain« with a mental disability in creative working on a mural as well as creating a garden sculpture.

CHF 1’000

100% de CHF 1’000

100 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

21 contributeur*rices

Clôturé avec succès le 23.8.2014

Project-based Creative Work

Im Kreativatelier, wo ich zwei Tage pro Woche arbeite, gestalten wir verschiedene Produkte für den Marktverkauf und für die Dekoration der Jahresfeste. Im Rahmen meines Diplomprojektes erarbeite ich gemeinsam mit den Bewohner/innen ein Wandbild und eine Gartenskulptur um ein im Wohn- und Werkheim Sunnerain bleibendes gestalterisches Projekt zu schaffen!

  • Mural in the middle of the project, W.&W. Sunnerain, 8.7.14
    Mural in the middle of the project, W.&W. Sunnerain, 8.7.14
  • N. working on mural, painting a bull , W.&W. Sunnerain, 14.7.14
    N. working on mural, painting a bull , W.&W. Sunnerain, 14.7.14

Project-based Creative Work: What it’s all about

I work two days a week in a creative studio where we craft different products, which are mainly for sale on a crafts market or for decoration of annual festivities. With the designing of a mural and a garden sculpture together with the residents, I want to create a long lasting creative project for the «Wohn- und Werkheim Sunnerain» in my diploma project.

Why you should back this project

I would be very happy about your financial support, because there are some costs coming along with this project, which I cannot shoulder alone. For example: Special waterproof paper (30m) and acrylic paint for the garden sculpture, special paint for the mural and supplies, documentation material, trip with the resident to exhibitions for inspiration.

l: «mythical creature» in magnetic frame (CHF 50), r: creative magnet (CHF 20)
l: «mythical creature» in magnetic frame (CHF 50), r: creative magnet (CHF 20)

What you receive

In return for your support, you will receive one of these great prizes described below.

  • R. vergrössert seine Zeichnung, W.&W. Sunnerain, 7.4.14
    R. vergrössert seine Zeichnung, W.&W. Sunnerain, 7.4.14
  • N. bemalt ein Fabelwesen, Kreativatelier W.&W. Sunnerain, 20.5.14
    N. bemalt ein Fabelwesen, Kreativatelier W.&W. Sunnerain, 20.5.14
  • bemalter Entwurf, Kreativatelier W.&W. Sunnerain, 20.5.14
    bemalter Entwurf, Kreativatelier W.&W. Sunnerain, 20.5.14

Project vision

The aim of this project is that the residents are actively involved in the project and that they can learn new working techniques, which they can apply in the future. This project will be continuously documented and theoretically reflected with regard to project-based work of people with mental disabilities and how their individual skills can be supported through creative working.

  • E. faltet ein Basisdreieck für die Gartenskulptur, Kreativatelier W.&W. Sunnerain, 10.4.14
    E. faltet ein Basisdreieck für die Gartenskulptur, Kreativatelier W.&W. Sunnerain, 10.4.14
  • R. inszeniert 500 Basisdreiecke am Teich, Garten des W.&W. Sunnerain, 8.5.14
    R. inszeniert 500 Basisdreiecke am Teich, Garten des W.&W. Sunnerain, 8.5.14
  • 500 Basisdreiecke in Rekordzeit gefaltet!, W.&W. Sunnerain, 8.5.14
    500 Basisdreiecke in Rekordzeit gefaltet!, W.&W. Sunnerain, 8.5.14

Design phase

In February 2014, the project has started with a three-week design phase on mythical creatures. In particular one resident has designed numerous sketches, which got screenshot and further developed. Finally, the drawings were printed on plastic sheets, enlarged via an overhead projector and directly badged on wrapping paper.

Folding triangles and painting in the studio

During seven weeks, in April and May, the residents folded about 500 triangles made ​​of waterproof material for the garden sculpture. Later on, they painted and staged them in the garden. These triangles are the basic pieces for a Tangrami sculpture - a dragon sculpture that will be stuck together of these triangles. Simultaneously, the animals on the wrapping paper were painted and distributed together with the residents on the concrete wall for a definitive draft of the mural. In between, we visited the Bruno Weber Park and another exhibition in the Helmhaus Zürich for inspiration.

Painting of the mural

Since the beginning of July, we have been painting the mythical creatures directly on the wall! The figures are implemented by residents, which are staying home in the institution during holiday, based on the wrapping paper drafts of the resident of the studio.

Project foresight

The project is expected to be finished until the beginning of October 2014. In early September, it will be presented to the families of the residents with a photo exhibition at the «Sunnerainfest» and after finishing dedicated with a vernissage. The final documentation of the project will be written until December 2014.