Cricket for Kids in Berne

di Marc Ruf


It’s just not Cricket! – Im englischen Sprachgebrauch ein Synonym für Fairplay und faires Verhalten überhaupt. Cricket ist spannend, macht Spass & verdient unbedingt mehr Bekanntheit!


0% di CHF 1’200

0 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

0 sostenitori

Concluso il 19.1.2015

Cricket – Well, if you speak English you know what cricket is.

But, how often do see cricket being played in Switzerland?

  • the «Niederhünigen Bulls»
    the «Niederhünigen Bulls»
  • indoor cricket practice
    indoor cricket practice
  • going for runs
    going for runs
  • kept by our conscientious score-keepers
    kept by our conscientious score-keepers

Who am I?

I discovered cricket 2 years ago. I needed a challenge for a class of 16 kids (mainly boys). In cooperation with a sports teacher from New Zealand I introduced cricket to my class (I teach near Konolfingen). Over the period of a school year we – class and teachers – developed our own indoor-format of the game. In June 2013 we spent a saturday playing with the Cricket Club Berne on their grounds in the Marzili.

I’ve come to love the game and I follow it online as well as I can. I’ve travelled to England twice to watch matches; one in Manchester and one in Bristol (well, to be honest Bristol got rained out, not a ball played).

  • the «Niederhünigen Bulls»
    the «Niederhünigen Bulls»
  • the Cricket Club Bern
    the Cricket Club Bern
  • on a beautiful Saturday
    on a beautiful Saturday
  • game over
    game over
  • playing with
    playing with
  • in the Marzili
    in the Marzili

The Project

I’d like to bring the game to kids in my hometown of Berne. I’ve offered «get to know»-courses with the holiday-organisation «Fäger». I’m also in touch with sports teachers in Berne. I can go into PE classes to introduce the game and I have put together a short documentation along with some simple worksheets that teachers can use if they wish.

Calling myself a cricketer would be an overstatement. Instead I choose to emphasise those valuable aspects of the game that my New Zealand partner and I tried to teach our pupils: fairplay, respect, working on and enjoying a new and fascinating game together – in short «the spirit of cricket» is what counts for me.

  • teacher’s material
    teacher’s material

That’s why I need you!

I have the necessary basics, but I’d really like to get the kind of modern equipment cricket factory offers and uses, when they go into classes in the UK. Because even there, a bat, a ball and two wickets just aren’t enough any more. I’ve seen the material in use in Bristol: it’s modern, colourful and very attractive. I’d like to buy their «core-set», a «bowling-mat» and the «super-stumps». That’s why I’m reaching out to you!

With your help I hope to be able to offer attractive and fun «get to know»-courses here in Berne in the coming season.

  • core-set
  • super-stumps
  • bowling-mat