Help to give children in South Africa a future! We are renovating a daycare center with local workers. Donations fund the renovation, and we handle the finishing touches. Your help makes a difference!

CHF 100

4% of CHF 2’500

4 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

3 backers

Concluded on 26/8/2024

Renovation of a daycare to create a safe place for the youngest

With your donation, the Lesedi Mogau daycare center in a township in South Africa will be transformed into a safe and child-friendly place. A large, isolated building will be constructed with space for multiple classrooms, toilets, a kitchen, and an office. The daycare grounds will be secured with a high fence and a new playground with climbing equipment will be installed. Once the local construction company completes the work, we will take over. At the project’s conclusion, we volunteers will travel at our own expense to South Africa to actively participate in the renovation. We will paint the building in bright colors and establish a vegetable garden. We will furnish the rooms with mattresses, blankets, tables, chairs, and educational play and learning materials. Additionally, we will fund the children’s nutrition for a year. This way, we support the daycare director’s commitment and create a child-friendly learning and play environment.

Effective help that makes a difference!

Thanks to the voluntary commitment of the entire project team, your donation goes directly where it makes a difference. We finance all our travel expenses ourselves. Your donation exclusively benefits the children of the township!

I need your help to make a difference!

Your donation specifically enables the construction of the new Lesedi Mogau daycare near Johannesburg. We are collecting a total of 60,000 CHF. Every franc you contribute ensures the completion of the project. Every franc brings about significant changes in the lives and future of the youngest in South Africa.