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Destined To Win


Milan, Zurich et New York

Mehr als nur ein Musik Projekt.Es ist eine Mission, der Weg welcher zum Sieg führt. Das Schicksal hat mich für das GEWINEN bestimmt.«DESTINED TO WIN»

CHF 1’200

15% de CHF 8’000

15 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

10 contributeur*rices

Clôturé le 30.8.2015

More Than Music

For this musical project called «Destined To Win» I want to take the step now to give something back. It is my goal to encourage people to scales to step into the unknown and to realize itself – a painful process, but it completely pays off, in fact.

Now I want to engage myself to do exactly up where I was helping out, and to give the today’s youth a perspective in music.

This project reflects my reality, my life in particular objectives which I follow always. It is a mission for me, because with my music I want to promote something. I want to prove to the people that you can realize your desires achieve your goals and living your dreams. You have to believe in it. Each of us was destined for something. Everyone can reach what he wants, if he’s ready to win.

The Content

All 15 tracks which can be heard on the album, were written and produced by myself.

It is an Italian-language album followed which also international artists will be represented, such as «Lenny Harold» Singer from the legendary Soul / RNB Group, «Blackstreet» as well you will find rap-legend and Shady Record’s signed artist Royce Da 5’9 ’’ and a few more.

The Happiness I have to be able to work with such great artists, is because I maintain a large network. I’m especially based on internationally areas. This gives more opportunities to help me to increase my fan base.

I live my music and there is no better feeling when you can make a difference with their own music.


Why Crowdfunding

On the one hand, as a way to build my fan base on the other hand as a new way of sharing.

In addition, it is possible to see who is ready to support me and my project.
Because of the Internet today, there are faster ways to support each other. Therefore, crowdfunding.

For such big projects, it takes a big amount of financial resources.
The most of the production, marketing costs had been already covered.

The reason why I still need your support is as follows: The project is now in the final production (mastering, manufacturing, distribution, promo etc.) By donating this campaign you will help me out to cover a larger part for the required effort. And this I would really appreciate.

Why should the project be supported?

This project should appear on an equal footing with other international productions.
Since I am a self-made man, not signed with a label, it is quite valuable that such a project will be supported.

I want to thank you all sincerely for the smallest donate.
WeMakeIt gives me also the opportunity to be able to give you something back.
In this sense:

Be a part of the «Winners Team» and let’s complete the last part of the mission!!!