We will send you a film poster of the documentary, which we are strictly limiting and which will only be designed and available as part of the crowdfunding. The poster with the size DIN A2 was designed exclusively for the crowdfunding by the artist and namesake of Club Zukunft Alain Kupper and will no longer be available after the end of the campaign. The poster will be sent to you at a Swiss address once the campaign has been successfully completed.
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Mich hät dä Dok Film «Maestro» über Paradise Garage in NYC und em Larry Levan prägt. En Zuki Dok wird uf gwüssi Lüüt genau so en inspirierende Eindruck hinterlah!
Supi on 14/1/2025 23:49
Es gehört zu unserer Geschichte, unserer Reise unserem❤️!
Verogo on 14/1/2025 14:27