Education to a better future

by Jürgen

Basel and Tatajuba

We give underpriviledged children in Tatajuba access to sports, global culture, network and most importantly, education, opening doors to better professional opportunities and social stability.

EUR 7’220

120% of EUR 6’000

120 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

32 backers

Successfully concluded on 14/1/2023

This is what it's all about.

Tatajuba is a poor fishermen village and one of the best kitesurfing destinations in the world. While the tourism is booming, most of the children have nothing to do and hang out in the backyard streets. We want to help the children for better opportunities, which are close by, yet so far away for them. With our last campaign we have hired a teacher who is working full-time since July 2022. We want to fund the salary of the teacher to continue with english classes at the core as well as workshops which include lifesaving swimming lessons, capoeira, yoga, kite-surfing, lessons about environment, nutrition and health and other experiences that foster friendship, community and social stability.

  • Learning the alphabet
    Learning the alphabet
  • Singing english songs to get easier access to the language.
    Singing english songs to get easier access to the language.
  • Swimming class at the pool. The ability to swim in Tatajuba is life saving. Many children lost their life in the past as the have not learned to swim.
    Swimming class at the pool. The ability to swim in Tatajuba is life saving. Many children lost their life in the past as the have not learned to swim.
  • Now they can swim in the open sea!
    Now they can swim in the open sea!

My project is special because ...

It is amazing to see how the children have changed after the first 5 month. They smile, collaborate and enjoy not only our our classes, but also the regular school classes. Their physical abilities have improved. Some parents report gratefully back, how positive their child has changed, helping at home, looking more after each other and become physically and mentally more fit. The money we need goes 100% into education. All administrative work is voluntary. The program does not only impact the children, but the entire community as the children begin to teach their parents and peers too.

  • Practicing Acro Yoga
    Practicing Acro Yoga
  • Perfect back bridging after 5 months
    Perfect back bridging after 5 months
  • from isolation to happy community
    from isolation to happy community
  • Teaching natural preservation in practice
    Teaching natural preservation in practice

This is what I need backing for.

We will use the donation to pay the salary of our full-time teacher, who lives meanwhile in Tatajuba. We allow for 25 children in our program. The program includes english lessons in 2 groups, 3 times the week. Beyond that we organize almost every week workshops which include body work such as yoga, acro yoga, dance, theatre, capoeira swimming lesson, which is lifesaving, because Tatajuba is surrounded by water. We organize awareness lessons to nutrition, environmental issues and social behaviors. A major part of the program is kite surfing, because they live at one of the best kite spots in the world. In order to have safe lessons, we involve certified kite-schools. The teachers get free english lessons from Soul Tatajuba and small gratifications as soon one of our kids can kitesurf. We use some of the funds to buy food & drinks for the children during the workshops. I am asking you for your support to continue this amazing journey which is life changing for the children with not too much investment.