EP Flower - Julie Fox

EP Flower - Julie Fox

by Julie Fox

Chur and Lausanne

«Flower» is the second EP by Julie Fox and describes the colourful bouquet of five songs that I have composed and arranged herself over the last few years.

CHF 5’045

100% of CHF 5’000

100 %
This is how it worksä

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

42 backers

Successfully concluded on 16/12/2022

Help me record a new EP!

Over the last year, the Julie Fox project has evolved and it is now time to record the new songs professionally and with the help of an experienced producer. I am very much looking forward to working with Makaya Records (Lausanne) and can’t wait to share the colourful bouquet of 5 songs with you. I need your support for this!

About the EP «Flower»

«Flower» is the name of the colourful bouquet of five songs that I have composed and arranged over the last two to three years. The songs (in English and Swiss German) poetically tell the stories of people I meet every day, as well as personal and socially relevant topics.

Flower (Title Track): «I would go in the woods / so for myself / to seek nothing / that was my purpose…» The poem «Gefunden» by Johannes Wolfgang von Goethe inspired me to compose the song «Flower», which is about finding something precious without having searched for it, and nurturing it so that it can continue to bloom forever. For me, the treasure I found is the joy of music.

Pilgrim: We are all pilgrims to this earth. Sometimes the road is rocky, sometimes it is full of wonder. The song reminds listeners to walk their own path, perhaps without the answers they seek, but always with open eyes and an open heart.

Fly High: Sometimes it takes courage to leave things behind when you don’t know what’s ahead. Sometimes, however, it is precisely in such moments that you come across treasures that you would not have found otherwise.

Wolfskind: «Wolfskind» tells the story of a child abandoned in the forest, his stony path back into civilised society and the failure of the educators who wanted to accompany him on this path. A story that is still highly relevant today, considering the number of neglected children in our society, who are fed up with material things but hungry for love and recognition.

Domestic Love (title not yet defined): A love song to the simple domestic life - a «protest song» against the fast-paced, ever-changing and self-focused life that is preached to us from all sides. Routine and a quiet, simple life in togetherness can be balm for our souls.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯Oops, video was removed by project initiator.

This is what I need backing for.

I will cover part of the costs of the project with donations from cultural sponsors and foundations. Another part will be financed by concert fees and streaming / download. The remaining part I would like to try to cover with crowdfunding. This includes the studio recordings, mixing and mastering, as well as the work of the musicians involved, artwork, photo/video shoots, advertising etc.