F. Chopin Complete Works

de Acte Préalable Limited


For the first time in history, recording Chopin’s complete works done by one Polish artist, Joanna Ławrynowicz. Published in Chopin’s 210th birthday anniversary (March 2020).

EUR 50

0% de EUR 12’000

0 %
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Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

1 contributeur*rice

Clôturé le 17.2.2020


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  • Good day David,

    We have now your address. Ower e-mail - acteprealable@wp.pl

    Acte Préalable Limited le 11.2.2020 16:56

  • Dear David, thanks for backing us and we will make sure this is the address we use! Also, feel free to e-mail us with any further questions (acteprealable@wp.pl).

    Acte Préalable Limited le 11.2.2020 16:49

  • Good day: I just put in 50 Euros, but did NOT see where I put in my address to receive the 17CD box.
    Do you have my address as:
    David Altschuler
    405 N. Fuller Ave.
    Los Angeles, CA 90036 USA
    Thanks for reassuring me on this. All the best for your fine label.

    davidalt le 11.2.2020 02:26