CHF 10’100
112% of CHF 9’000
This is how it works
The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.
56 backers
Successfully concluded on 15/4/2022
CHF 10’100
112% of CHF 9’000
The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.
56 backers
Successfully concluded on 15/4/2022
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Je soutien ce projet car mon fils est fan de parkour.
Kiki on 12/4/2022 20:35
Reply 0
Les enfants adorent y aller et les profs sont géniaux.
CLARISSE on 12/4/2022 12:44
Reply 0
Pour les jeunes / sport / lien social
Ludb on 12/4/2022 10:57
Reply 0
Leon : « parce que c’est trop
Cool et ils sont sympas »
Philsalt on 9/4/2022 10:39
Reply 0
J'ai envie de tester le parkour.
Berbett Damien on 3/4/2022 22:05
Reply 0
Great project and socially-oriented sport for young and old, girls and boys, to move and progress according to their capabilities in a secure and positive environment. Go Alex & Chris!
jnwegmuller on 25/3/2022 16:57
Reply 0
Parkour tricking life
Jolan on 3/3/2022 16:58
Reply 0