The FORCE of Sports This is what it's all about.
FORCE is The First Sports Brand Made and designed on the Africa Continent to offer sustainable Development for the benefit Of society. Together we create transparency in the textil supply chain. Together Force will be the first Sport Brand made in Africa to offer a sustainable raw material for the mass market. Force for Africa of common interest is formed with the focus in creating sustainable educational lifestyle and experiential environments and objects, demonstrating a fixation with materiality, concept and tangible spatial experiences.
We aim to create projects that balance between the long lasting and the ephemeral projects in time and objects whose creative approach stems from an abstract realm enriched with layers of conceptual readings: moments of unfamiliar simplicity, sculptural and material self-expression, structural articulation,
Our work roots from an amalgamation of thinking and making between two diverse factors, Inequity and equity , switching between the formal and the intuitive, embracing the handmade and the tactile, the experimental and the poetic.
Ethic, Integrity & sustainable development goals ...
Force call to action:
The 1/3 Goal Goes campaign call to action the social, environmental, and economic proposition of returns goods. We believe We love We support with the 1/3 of sales of Force items/products, social educational programs in Africa countries.
We ESSAY the force cause of africa economical transaction.
When Mark Twain stated that «clothes make the man,» he meant to criticize a society he considered superficial, vapid and shallow. Yet almost a hundred years after his death, his statement holds even more weight and rings even more true now that fashion is a multimillion-dollar industry.
Fashion is currently responsible for millions whose livelihood is directly dependent on it, a major player in both the economy and society and an key influence on the environment. From production, to transportation, to landfills, sky-high rates of carbon emission and inefficient consumption of energy, the textile industry has both a massive negative impact on our environment and huge potential to decrease its carbon footprint in it.
In this project I will dig into the role of the fashion/textile industry regarding climate change and the energy budget, the how’s and whys of its energy use and most of all, the amazing innovations taking place in high fashion that still aren’t accessible to the mass markets and their impact on the environment.
Sustainable Development
Sustainable development requires extensive foresight along with specific and expansive planning. In order to achieve the status of «sustainable» a government or governments must have, or come to have, the means with which to start a new and recreate the lifestyle of the citizens within. Sustainable development requires a thorough evaluation of all economically related areas including agriculture, forestry, marine resources, energy, industry, and transportation as well as others related to the natural environment and of course the built environment. From there a framework must be laid out in order to develop fruitfully while at the same time paying close attention to the bigger picture involving future generations.
This is what I need backing for.
Angel Bashile needs your help in restoring economic freedom support for democracy in Africa countries . Our work amplifies voices calling for freedom and empowers human rights defenders and civic activist to advance democratic change.
I have often asked myself what kind of valuable bequest or inheritance I can leave my children, family, and friends. I feel that it is very important to leave some type of legacy behind, so that they will always have something personal and useful to remember me by. Education and life lessons I feel are sometimes more beneficial than money. I would like to leave behind the lesson of how important it is to obtain academic success. My goal is to leave behind the legacy that I believed I was never too old to learn, never to old to allow anyone to say I can’t, and to instill a quality of humanitarianism in them.
We are planning a Fundraising Campaign for the regeneration of Economic freedom in the textil supply chain in Africa with a sustainable finance plan if you like support our project just share the message. The Kids. #thatisforce #forforafrica #RDC #ESSAY #force #TheKids