Who we are and What do we believe in?
Gea first women-run distillery in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Having such a divine healing nature surrounding us, why go elsewhere? Gea is the first inside out heal concept run by a group of young people in BiH.
Who we are?
We are a team of young enthusiastic people gathered in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina passionate about herbal remedies brought by our tradition and surroundings. Our core team gathers three young women: Iris, Azra and Ružica.
Iris graphic designer and our marketing expert.
Azra BSc engineer of genetics and bioengineering and recipe creator.
Ružica consultant, herbal expert and graphic designer.
We are the creators of all Gea products, from plant to balm, and now. And we are crowdfunding for Gea distiller.
What we believe in?
Our main goal is to make a distillery for autochthonous herbs and use the local essential oils in our products for the care of body and soul. The fast paced lives and the information overload, combined with the recent pandemics has weakened the immunity to many and brought stress and fear to our lives.
We believe that creating healthy locally powered self-care products can ease this stress and positively affect your skin and soul!

Why distillery?
For the past year we have been creating recipes, making our products, designing labels and promoting Gea concept in social events. People who used our hydrosol tonics, healing balms, candles and many more products are in need for more! Let’s work together in creating one of the most positive, people gathering stories around!
The variety of medicinal and aromatic plants in Herzegovina is astonishing! We hike our mountains and explore our land to hand pick the best of medicine that nature has to offer. Medicinal herbal life is special in Herzegovina because of the mix of Mediterranean and costal climate and the specific karst. We have started with the Gea concept so we can bring the healing and the wild of Herzegovina straight to your skin!
This year we have made our essential oils by picking herbs with our team and distilling them in local nearby distilleries. This helped us get the oils but it did not solve the problem. While in transport some herbs might lose some of their properties and medicinal values. Therefore, the distillery!

What we are missing?
What we are missing in order to develop our idea fully, and rely mostly on our own oils is a 350l still for essential oils, big enough to produce a decent amount of oil per batch, since some herbs require to be foraged in large amounts to produce essential oil. This distiller is locally produced and its size will be most suitable for the needs of our distillery because smaller stills produce very little oil per distilling process.
We also need non-plastic packaging to keep the most potent of our preparations; our aim is to recycle the packaging and offer discount for each returned bottle. Zero waste is one of our goals and moto for the development of our brand. Since waste is one of the most concerning issues in our country and the most endangering for our natural potential, we want to promote a healthier approach to self-care and product consumption.
Gea team is collecting funds for a refrigerator, since we do not use preservatives and want to keep our products fresh and all natural.
From your kind contribution to our business, we will make a working space where we will keep the distiller and work on making our products. This space will make it possible for us to create all our ingredients and products in one place, and also make it open for visitors to see our working process.
We will need a water pump in order to use drinkable and fresh water in our distilling process and create the cleanest and most healing essential oils. Gea will go through the process of registration and become a legally recognized firm.
Thank you for your support and for trusting in Gea concept!