About us
The company GeAktiv was established in 2016 with the goal to support projects which serve for the good of our planet.
Remember: We are heading for an ecological disaster. Co2 emissions are growing from year to year, climate change is already being felt, and the valuable resources such as water and fertile soil are becoming increasingly scarce. Famine in the countries concerned rises, diseases are increasing and there is no end in sight.
We have to take care of use of the limited resources we have, if we ever want to survive the next 100 years. Therefore we need technologies that conserve the soil, reduce water consumption and decontaminate the barren and chemically poisoned soil. This is the only way to overcome food and water shortage on our planet.
If you are interested in this issue, namely our earth, then you’ve found the right place and can continue reading.
What it’s all about
One of these products, of which we are enthusiastic about, is Geaktiv – the biological humus fertilizer of the future.
Geaktiv is 100% all-natural organic humus fertilizer, which was developed in Slovenia and which crop yield by up to 35% increase, which has been proven in numerous tests. The balcony flowers or vegetables, for example, are characterized bigger and more beautiful.
GeAktiv is an ecological premium product, because it’s the right choice for the agriculture of the future. Regulations and directives of the EU require an increasing consumption of just such humus fertilizers compared to mineral and synthetic fertilizers, because they increase the yield of crops, while carrying for the nature and the environment.
With Geaktiv, you can water the plants less often, and can plan your absence without the help of the neighbors. And of course contribute to the saving of the water.
Geaktiv acts immediately, does not smell and does not pollute the groundwater. It also revitalizes the damaged earth which can be used for the crops much longer.
Geaktiv accelerates the intense binding process in infertile or badly damaged land and can thereby e.g. be used for resuscitation of deserts, which was confirmed in numerous tests. Therefore Geaktiv actively helps in the fight against increasing food shortages in the world because more fertile ground is available for growing population on this earth.
The innovative production technology of Geaktiv is based on natural processes and is completely harmless to humans, soil, groundwater and the environment. The raw materials used are waste of biological origin from nature. They are goose and chicken manure, as well as grape marc, which are mixed, before the final production when composted with sawdust, absorbed with water, and possible odors are neutralized. In the production process the raw material that has been previously mixed with sawdust is now covered with a natural biological layer of fungi that produce the desired fertilizer without spreading unpleasant odors or attract flies and rodents. The end product is the high quality organic humus fertilizer GeAktiv which enhances the crop yield by up to 35% and at the same time protects the environment. All these features make Geaktiv the fertilizer of the future because it actively contributes to environmental and climate protection
That’s why we need your support
The Geaktiv humus fertilizer is produced currently in smaller quantities (about 300 tons per year) in Slovenia. We want to build a larger manufacturing facility in Istria – Croatia, which increases the production capacity up to 7,000 tons per year. This will partially satisfy the high demand of Geaktiv in many other countries meet. The land for the production facility is already bought, now we are in the process of constructing the production plant. This will, be partly financed by the European Innovation Fund. We are also seeking further venture capital donors who wish to support the project.
And now this is the point where your contribution is highly appreciated: For the creation of detailed business plan, marketing, sales organization, etc. for our company here in Switzerland we need your financial help to accelerate the entire project so that this bio fertilizer the future may also be marketed in Switzerland.

We have great rewards for you
One of the rewards, in addition to the test package of Geaktiv bio fertilizer is a sensational natural olive oil from Slovenia, which is produced since years with the aid of Geaktiv.
Here are the links of the producers:
One of the awards is a wellness weekend in Kempinski Hotel in Portorof , Slovenia