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GINMAKU Film Festival 2024

von Mizuki Mazbara


Ihre Unterstützung und Ihr Beitrag helfen uns, eine kulturelle Brücke zwischen der Schweiz und Japan zu schlagen! GINMAKU Japanese Film Festival in Zürich: 8 - 12 Mai, 2024

CHF 8’300

103% von CHF 8’000

103 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

43 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 5.5.2024


Melde dich mit deinem Profil an, um das Projekt zu kommentieren.

  • Dear GINMAKU 2024 supporters

    Grüezi mitenand, konnichiwa! Thank you so much again for being part of GINMAKU and trusting our project!

    After having a mini-burn-out like every year (not too bad this time, phew!) I am finally fully recovered and preparing for the next edition of GINMAKU and also the 2nd Helvetica Swiss Film Festival in Japan. I would like to inform you about the GINMAKU 2025 dates before the official announcement!

    GINMAKU Japanese Film Festival 2025
    Wednesday, May 28 - Sunday, June 1
    Kino Houdini & Riffraff

    So thankful and happy that Houdini & Riffraff will be our cinema partners again next year!

    I visited Japan to organize the 2nd Swiss Film Festival. On my way to a meeting in Osaka, I saw something very special! I wanted to send you a photo of this lucky day I had in Japan but.... oh no! It seems like I can't attach a photo on this comment on wemakeit. I will send a GINMAKU newsletter soon so that I can share the photo!

    I hope you are all staying healthy and Genki. See you next year at GINMAKU 2025, or even at the Swiss Film Festival in Japan in this November? ;-)
    More information coming soon.

    With my warmest regards, thank you again so much for your support,
    Arigatou Gozaimasu...!

    Mizuki Mazbara am 12.7.2024 01:20

    Antworten 0
  • Dear supporters

    Thank you so much for being part of our festival and trusting our project…! I was very doki doki this year because I couldn’t start the crowdfunding project earlier due to my family’s health issue. But with all of your generous support, we reached our funding goal today and we can not thank you enough.

    I received many messages, SMS, DM on social medias from you during this crowdfunding campaign and every messages gave me a lot of power. Our festival became 10 years old with you and I am looking forward to welcoming you all to our festival and celebrate the anniversary!

    Once again, thank you so much for believing in our small, handmade festival. I know many of you are keep supporting our crowdfunding project since the very very first year back in 2014 and this makes me cry. Arigagatou gozaimasu, merci viel mal…!

    Now, all the supporters names are listed on our website. I am sorry I can not thank anonymous supporters directly. I hope you can all read this message!

    For the supporters who chose tickets for GINMAKU 2024, I will contact you directly.

    With my warmest regards, best wishes for a nice Sunday Mizuki

    Mizuki Mazbara am 5.5.2024 14:51

    Antworten 0
  • Arigatou gozaimasu lieber Daniel-san...!

    Dank der vielen Unterstützung steht GINMAKU kurz vor dem Start....! Wir sind sehr dankbar, arigatou gozaimasu!

    Viele Grüsse

    Mizuki Mazbara am 4.5.2024 13:47

    Antworten 0
  • Danke Mizuki-san für das immer wundervolle Filmfestival, das top ausgewählte, vielseitige Programm und all deine harte Arbeit um dies zu ermöglichen! Alles Gute und viel Spass zum 10-Jährigen Jubiläum! LG Dani

    Daniel Ivkovic am 3.5.2024 23:07

    Antworten 0
  • Arigatou gozaimasu Gabri2385-san...!

    I am very happy to read your comment.
    See you very soon at GINMAKU 2024!

    With my warmest regards,

    Mizuki Mazbara am 2.5.2024 19:30

    Antworten 0
  • I back this project because I think that nowadays events that serve as a bridge between people and cultures are needed more than ever. Also, I want that as much people as possible can enjoy this window to contemporary Japan.

    Gabri2385 am 1.5.2024 20:42

    Antworten 0
  • Arigatou gozaimasu M. Sieber-san...!

    Ihre Nachricht hat mich zum Weinen gebracht
    Vielen herzlichen Dank...!

    Viele Grüsse

    Mizuki Mazbara am 28.4.2024 11:01

    Antworten 0
  • Liebes wemakeit Team

    Vielen herzlichen Dank für Eure Unterstützung!
    Unser Projekt läuft noch 7 Tage lang.
    Arigatou gozaimasu...!

    Viele Grüsse

    Mizuki Mazbara am 28.4.2024 10:57

    Antworten 0
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