A day...
A day full of talks about the «Internet of Things».
An European Internet of Things Conference in Vienna, Austria.
- April 2015 will be the Global IoT Day.
«IoT Vienna»
«IoT Vienna» joins this worldwide celebration with an European conference about the «Internet of Things and Services»: The Global IoT Day Event 2015 in Vienna.
37 local and european TOP-speakers will offer you 36 huge talks with a wide variarity of topics:
- Smart-Home
- Wearables
- Industry 4.0
- Technology
Why is this event special?
This event is not only special because of its spirit but also because of its price. All talks are for free. It brings people, companies, universities and other institutions together to share knowledge, experience, contacts and resources to establish new collaborations and improve existing ones. In addition, it aims to make the flourishing IoT community visible for the general public. Ideas, know-how, experts and companies are not only located oversea, but also in Europe. And Vienna is one of the hotspots.
We need your Help!
This campaign is a great way to thank everyone involved. We’d like to use the money to offer our speakers and voluntary staff a free meal and drinks in recognition of their time and money they invested. Please help us to make this possible!
About IoT Vienna
Founded in May 2014 IoT Vienna – The Internet of Things Group of Vienna – has become the largest IoT group in Austria. Member of IoT Austria – The Austria IoT Network –, together with IoT Dornbirn, IoT Graz, IoT Leoben, IoT Linz , IoT Innsbruck, IoT Klagenfurt and IoT Salzburg.
IoT Vienna is a plattform, where people, companies and institutions can meet each other for sharing their knowledge, experiences, technologies and could start collaborations to improve the Internet of Things in Europe.
IoT Vienna offers monthly talks, the IoT Talks, and IoT Workshops.