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3current projects in technology

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Pay Warrior

Community, Technology, and Education


Pay Warrior

by Kanchan

Pay Warrior aims to educate, enable, and engage working women about their workplace rights. Our first project analyses 1500+ case summaries (canton-level) of gender equality lawsuits in Switzerland.

9 %
CHF 450
22 days to go
EasyRep - Your Smart Car

Startup, Technology, and Environment


At EasyRep, we understand that your car is more than just a machine – it's your freedom on wheels. But what happens when a problem suddenly arises? With EasyRep, you avoid costly surprises!

1 %
CHF 358
33 days to go
Mini Car Q-Type TOLEDO

Community, Technology, and Environment


Um herauszufinden wie der Q-Type bei Euch ankommt, haben wir beschlossen die erste Lieferung via WEMAKEIT zu vermarkten. Dies zu einem einmalig sensationellen Preis!