Rebuilding our permaculture school in Morocco. After the big rainstorm in the desert there was some destruction that we can rebuild with your help!

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CHF 5’713

71% of CHF 8’000

71 %
Stretch goal
  • Funding goal: CHF 5’000 achieved
  • Stretch goal: CHF 8’000
  • Regardless of whether the stretch goal is achieved, the funds will be paid to the project.

58 backers

13 days to go

Permaculture FOOD FOREST GARDEN school in Morocco

We, M’Barek and Jessica, want to give the local population of Tagounite the knowledge they need to re-green the desert sustainably. True to the motto «many small gardener form a large oasis.»

Exactly one year ago we started to put our vision of a permaculture food forest garden into practice on the property.

We were able to integrate 250 trees, dig a well, build a protective wall, develop an irrigation system and start building the school building.

Unfortunately, there was a big rainstorm on September 8th that flooded the entire village. Our protective wall has also been torn down in some places.

We are close to completing the construction work so that we can finally start teaching the locals. With your help we will definitely succeed!

The day after the rainstorm
The day after the rainstorm

The FOOD FOREST GARDEN helps the local population

The special thing about our project is that we provide help for self-help. M’Barek grew up as a nomad in the Tagounite region and knows the needs of the locals very well: «The new generation is full of thirst for knowledge and a drive to preserve the oasis. After all, it is our home.» We believe in the work of many on a small scale and we start where there is need.

The young forest garden
The young forest garden

This is what I need backing for.

The rainstorm flooded the entire village and tore down many mud buildings. This was also the case with us.

  1. The protective wall that protects us from wild animals has been torn down in many places.

  2. The irrigation system for the forest garden has broken in some places.

  3. The shell of the school building has been partially melted by the rain.

With your help we can rebuild and optimize everything!

If we even raise more than 5,000 Swiss francs, we will invest everything in building the kitchen and toilets on the property so that it can finally accommodate people and we can start teaching.

Shell of the school building with «melted» walls
Shell of the school building with «melted» walls