Helfen Sie uns, eine offene Druckwerkstatt einzurichten, die die Umwelt schont. Ein Zuhause in der Ferne, ein Ort für Kunst, Kultur, Schönheit, Entspannung und Entdeckung.

EUR 15’622

104% von EUR 15’000

104 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

70 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 23.6.2023

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ar Backers,

We hope this message finds you well and filled with joy as we extend our sincerest gratitude for your incredible support of our crowdfunding project. Your belief in our vision has been the driving force behind the success of HausPress, and we are immensely grateful for your commitment. With this year coming to an end, we felt it was the time for another update.

Even though lately the prices of pretty much everything in this world seem to have skyrocketed, thanks to your generosity, we were able to buy almost all the raw materials we needed for building the structure and the roof, finalized the plans, and submitted all the necessary paperwork to the municipality. Despite some unforeseen events and hiccups, we follow firm on our path!

Now, we are thrilled to announce the next chapter in our journey: Starting this February, we will start a series of workshops that will immerse participants in the world of printmaking, in the beautiful backdrop of «Die Druckstube» in Vienna’s 2nd district. These workshops are designed specifically with families in mind, to inspire creativity, foster quality family time, and provide an enriching experience for young minds and families alike. They are not just about creating art; they are a celebration of togetherness, a platform for self-expression, and an opportunity to build lasting memories with your loved ones. Join Us for a Creative Adventure!

Workshop Highlights:

-Learn from Experts: Our workshops are led by experienced artists with professional equipment, ensuring a high-quality and educational experience for participants of all skill levels.

-Diverse Artistic Techniques: Discover a variety of printmaking techniques, allowing participants to express their creativity in unique and personalized ways.

-Family Bonding: Explore the joy of creating art together and strengthen your family bonds in a supportive and inspiring environment.

-Memorable Keepsakes: Each participant will leave with their own masterpiece—a tangible reminder of the shared moments and artistic exploration.

Workshop Details: These exciting workshops offer flexibility as dates can be booked individually, providing an opportunity for participants to choose sessions that suit their schedule. The cost per person is 110€, encompassing the expert-led instruction, access to professional equipment, all necessary materials, snacks and drinks.

How You Can Get Involved:

-Spread the Word: Share the news about our upcoming workshops with your friends, family, and community. Let’s create a buzz and make these workshops a memorable experience for all!

-Attend and Participate: We would be honored to have you join us in person. Your presence would add a special touch to the workshops, and we would love to share this creative journey with you. And don’t forget, your «thank you card» entitles you to a 5% discount!

-Stay Connected: Follow us on social media for regular updates, sneak peeks, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of the workshop preparations.

Once again, thank you for being an integral part of our journey. Your support has made it possible for us to turn our dreams into reality, and we are excited to keep riding on this artistic adventure with you.

We wish you a wonderful and creative new year,

Ana and Giulio

An die Arbeit!Von Haus-Press, am 26.07.2023

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ar Backers Last month we rolled up our sleeves and got down to work!

On the one hand we have been finishing the preparation of the rewards, good news, they will be sent very soon! And on the other hand we have made several excursions to the Presshaus with the architect who is helping us in this project, it has been days of clearing debris, removing weeds, looking for materials and picking up a lot of garbage that had been abandoned there for years and years, crazy! This has reinforced even more in us the idea of realizing our project in the most eco-sustainable way possible!

We take this opportunity to thank you again for your immense support not only financially but also emotionally!


Liebe Unterstützer letzten Monat haben wir die Ärmel hochgekrempelt und uns an die Arbeit gemacht!

Einerseits haben wir die Vorbereitungen für die Belohnungen abgeschlossen, gute Nachrichten, sie werden sehr bald verschickt! Zum anderen haben wir zusammen mit dem Architekten, der uns bei diesem Projekt hilft, mehrere Ausflüge zum Presshaus unternommen. Es waren Tage, an denen wir Schutt und Unkraut beseitigt, nach Materialien gesucht und jede Menge Müll aufgesammelt haben, der dort jahrelang brach gelegen hatte - es war verrückt! Das hat uns noch mehr in der Idee bestärkt, unser Projekt so umweltverträglich wie möglich zu verwirklichen!

Wir möchten euch an dieser Stelle noch einmal für eure immense Unterstützung danken, nicht nur finanziell, sondern auch emotional!


Cari sostenitori Il mese scorso ci siamo rimboccati le maniche e ci siamo messi al lavoro!

Da un lato abbiamo terminato la preparazione delle ricompense, una buona notizia, saranno inviate molto presto! Dall’altro, abbiamo fatto diverse escursioni alla Presshaus con l’architetto che ci sta aiutando in questo progetto; sono stati giorni di sgombero di macerie, di erbacce, di ricerca di materiali e di raccolta di un sacco di rifiuti che erano stati abbandonati lì per anni e anni, pazzesco! Questo ha rafforzato ancora di più in noi l’idea di realizzare il nostro progetto nel modo più ecosostenibile possibile!

Cogliamo l’occasione per ringraziarvi ancora una volta per il vostro immenso sostegno non solo finanziario ma anche emotivo!

Dankeschön!!!Von Haus-Press, am 24.06.2023

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The Structure
The Structure

German version below

Dear Backers, we did it!!! After one month, our crowdfunding campaign has finally come to an end. It was 30 days that felt like a crazy roller coaster ride: we felt excited, optimistic, pessimistic, scared, hopeful, desperate, hopeful and finally overwhelmed (positively!) by your love and support… Thanks to all of you, we managed to achieve more than 100% of our goal! The next step will be to gather the materials needed to build the «skeleton» structure that will support the roof and stabilize the walls, designed by Angelo Ferrara of Caravan Atelier. First of all, however, we want to thank you once again for your support, for the countless positive feedback and most of all for believing in us and our vision! For us it was not easy, those who know us know that we are people who do not like to ask for help and «sell ourselves» on social medias; for us this campaign also meant getting out of our comfort zone and confronting something new. Thank you for accompanying us on this adventure, we hope to see you all as soon as possible in the garden of the Haus-Press and be able to show you in person, between a slice of pizza and a good glass of wine, the dream you helped to realize.

With love, Ana, Giulio and Aurora


Liebe Backers, wir haben es geschafft!!! Nach einem Monat ist unsere Crowdfunding-Kampagne endlich zu Ende gegangen. Es waren 30 Tage, die sich wie eine verrückte Achterbahnfahrt angefühlt haben: wir waren aufgeregt, optimistisch, pessimistisch, ängstlich, hoffnungsvoll, verzweifelt, zuversichtlich und schließlich (positiv!) überwältigt von eurer Liebe und Unterstützung… Dank euch allen haben wir es geschafft, mehr als 100 % unseres Ziels zu erreichen! Der nächste Schritt wird sein, die Materialien zu sammeln, die für den Bau des «Skeletts» benötigt werden, das das Dach stützen und die Wände stabilisieren wird, entworfen von Angelo Ferrara vom Caravan Atelier. Vor allem aber möchten wir uns noch einmal bei euch für eure Unterstützung bedanken, für die vielen positiven Rückmeldungen und vor allem dafür, dass ihr an uns und unsere Vision geglaubt habt! Es war nicht einfach für uns, denn wer uns kennt, weiß, dass wir Menschen sind, die nicht gerne um Hilfe bitten und sich in den sozialen Medien «verkaufen»; für uns bedeutete diese Kampagne auch, aus unserer Komfortzone herauszukommen und uns mit etwas Neuem zu konfrontieren. Danke, dass ihr uns auf diesem Abenteuer begleitet habt, wir hoffen, euch alle so bald wie möglich im Garten des Haus-Press zu sehen und euch persönlich bei einem Stück Pizza und einem guten Glas Wein den Traum zu zeigen, den ihr zu verwirklichen geholfen habt.

Mit Liebe, Ana, Giulio und Aurora


Cari «backers», ce l’abbiamo fatta!!! Dopo un mese, la nostra campagna di crowdfunding è finalmente giunta al termine. Sono stati 30 giorni che ci sono sembrati un giro sulle montagne russe: ci siamo sentiti eccitati, ottimisti, pessimisti, spaventati, speranzosi, disperati, fiduciosi e infine travolti (positivamente!) dal vostro amore e dal vostro sostegno… Grazie a tutti voi, siamo riusciti a raggiungere più del 100% del nostro obiettivo! Il prossimo passo sarà raccogliere i materiali necessari per costruire la struttura «scheletro» che sosterrà il tetto e stabilizzerà le pareti, progettata da Angelo Ferrara di Caravan Atelier. Prima di tutto, però, vogliamo ringraziarvi ancora una volta per il vostro sostegno, per gli innumerevoli feedback positivi e soprattutto per aver creduto in noi e nella nostra visione! Per noi non é stato facile, chi ci conosce sa che siamo persone che non amano chiedere aiuto e «vendersi» sui social media; per noi questa campagna ha significato anche uscire dalla nostra zona di comfort e confrontarci con qualcosa di nuovo. Grazie per averci accompagnato in questa avventura, speriamo di potervi vedere tutti il piú presto possibile nel giardino della Haus-Press e potervi mostrare di persona, fra una fetta di pizza e un buon bicchiere di vino, il sogno che avete contribuito a realizzare.

Con amore, Ana, Giulio e Aurora