For your contribution, your name will be included in a draw for two gifts:
1. A chance to spend a ’working’ weekend on board WIKI somewhere along the coast of the Mediterranean, probably the Marseille-St Tropez area. The date will be determined on when and where WIKI will be moored this summer.
2. Your name will be included in a draw to provide a free place at our summer youth journalism ’boot camp’ in Marseille, notably tuition, food and accommodation. Should you not wish to make use of this opportunity, we can offer the place to a young person without means in your name.
3. You will also receive a free copy of the the Special Mediterranean Summer 2023 Edition of Global Insights Magazine.
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Really important cause. Keep up the hard work!
manyagp on 6/5/2023 22:56
Help save the Med will raise awareness and reach people about one of the most critical issues facing the world- climate change and its destruction of the Mediterranean.
Loretta on 30/4/2023 14:29
Thanks for the comment below from Mureck23. Unfortunately, for this crowdfunder, we have to go with the system provided by the Wemakeit crowdfunding system. Several other people, particularly those living outside Switzerland, have broached similar issues. One can contribute directly to our direct DONATE link with This enables one to make either direct bank transfers or Paypal and various credit cards.
We can then notify Wemakeit so that it becomes part of the crowdfunder. best regards, and thanks for signalling this to us. Ed Girardet
Ed Girardet on 24/4/2023 11:14
it provides a focus on a region of the globe that means a lot to me and hopefully will stimulate similar initiatives in other parts of the world. We need them dearly....
I do find your system for making donations somehow cumbersome; you may want to compare yours with others, such as wikipedia, Passblue,etc. Perhaps it is just me though... All the very best!
Mureck23 on 23/4/2023 17:41