Identity - Debut EP

by Maira


I am Maira - a singer/songwriter from Basel. I want to record five of my own songs in a recording studio. Therefore, I need YOUR help!

CHF 2’655

106% of CHF 2’500

106 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

49 backers

Successfully concluded on 16/5/2018


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  • SAVE THE DATE, discover the 4th edition of the FEMALE METAL FEST which will take place November 30th and December 1st 2018 in Geneva in Switzerland - the groups and the ticketing will be opened as of September 15th, 2018 !!!! Stay connected with WINGS MUSIC & EVENTS!

    SAVE THE DATE, découvrez la 4ème édition du FEMALE METAL FEST qui aura lieu 30 novembre ET 1er décembre 2018 à Genève en Suisse - les groupes et la billeterie sera ouverte dès le 15 septembre 2018 !!!! Stay connected with WINGS MUSIC & EVENTS !

    #metoo #femalemetal #abus# #geneva #festival #femalemetalfest #womenvocals #frontwomen #womenmetal #switzerland #ctas #sosfemme #metalmusic #neomusiclive #alkemy #gonezilla #martyrium #chaoseum #TitansBlow #Revival #WickedPlan #Penumbra #UltimaRatio #DeadDogCafé #SecretRules #SceaudelAnge

    Katia Alcim on 5/9/2018 16:55

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  • Congratulations for this project, I wish you full success and look forward to hearing that. All my support with my little means. Good luck !

    Katia Alcim on 30/4/2018 17:05

    Reply 0
  • Dein Projekt gefällt uns – und gehört daher momentan zur Kategorie «Unsere Lieblinge»! Für die nächsten Tage erscheint es auf der Startseite und in der Kategorie «Empfohlene».
    Ein guter Grund ein bisschen stolz zu sein und es allen zu erzählen: Verfasse eine News, einen Post oder Tweet!

    Woody wemakeit on 16/4/2018 14:05

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