Junes: get more of the band


San Gallo

«Last Night Castellano» is almost ready. We spent last fall in studio with a bunch of new songs. Please support us to publish the best 10 on a CD.

CHF 3’140

104% di CHF 3’000

104 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

27 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 4.9.2014


After some time with concerts in Germany and Switzerland we now want to publish the songs we have written during that time. We need your support for the production of the CD and for a fair amount for the graphics.

The album

Our favorite 10 songs are now united on our new album «Last Night Castellano». They are made with heart and lots of coffee, discarded, loved again, lived and recorded.

You would like to listen to some music? We are very happy to present you the first three songs from the new album on itunes. Or, you could find our latest video clip for «Black Harmony» on top of this page.


  • Philipp Schmid – drums
  • Daniel Hauser – piano & vocals
  • Marc Frischknecht – guitar & vocals
  • Lukas Speissegger – bass & production


Together with the new CD we have some special offers for you. Please click on rewards on the right to find out more. Among other things, there is the JUNES T-shirt:

You are fan and and you want something more special? Then come to our favorite studio in Rorbas (http://www.speissegger.ch) where the album was recorded. We have delicious coffee and cake waiting for you.

And all that for a small fee, with which you can help us a lot.

Thank you for your support!

¯\_(ツ)_/¯Oops, il video è stato rimosso dal progettista.

past records