Kaiju Project Album Release

by aseofriesacher

Vienna and Rotterdam

I will release my new album with my international jazz group Kaiju Project on June 7th and present it in the form of a European tour. We need your help to make it happen.

EUR 4’100

102% of EUR 4’000

102 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

68 backers

Successfully concluded on 1/7/2024


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  • I love your music!!!!!

    Fuefukiyuko on 30/6/2024 11:35

  • Weil ich Kana-san unterstütze!

    Hideyuki Yamamoto on 30/6/2024 11:21

  • かなさん、南半球から応援してます!いつか南半球にもツアー来てくださいね!

    Michi Garate on 28/6/2024 10:16

  • かなさんに 感動しているので 応援します。

    いっぺい on 19/6/2024 00:58

  • 頑張ってねー。応援ꉂꉂ📣

    庄司 on 13/6/2024 15:08

  • Frische Musik voller Gefühl!

    Sth on 8/6/2024 23:41

  • Aseos music is crazy & exzellent!!!!

    Peter & Uschi Kautz on 7/6/2024 10:39

  • I want to support them

    Ayumi on 5/6/2024 22:33

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