We want to support a children’s soccer project in Colombia. We will collect money and use it to provide the necessary materials for the helpers and parents, as well as soccer uniforms for the kids

CHF 3’460

115% of CHF 3’000

115 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

24 backers

Successfully concluded on 30/6/2024

This is what it's all about.

A group of dedicated volunteers regularly trains soccer with approximately 60 to 70 children in a small village in southern Colombia. Soccer is the national sport in Colombia, and the children are excited to be able to move and have positive experiences together.

The helpers do what they can, but resources are very limited. With this project, we aim to lend them a helping hand while ensuring that the program they have built with great dedication remains true to their vision.

  • Paicol - a village in the south of Colombia
    Paicol - a village in the south of Colombia
  • Sport for more than 60 kids
    Sport for more than 60 kids

The back-story:

As a Swiss / Colombian citizen who grew up in Colombia, I have often spent vacations with my family in the southern part of Colombia, in a small village called ’Paicol.’ It’s a beautiful, little village where my mother grew up. The people in Paicol live happily but don’t have much. I have many fond memories of Paicol, as it allowed me to experience the real Colombia time and again. Now, at over 50 years old, I live in Switzerland with my family, including two adult sons, and I would love to support the people in Paicol.

Some time ago, I learned about a project where volunteers provide access to sports for the children in the village. With great dedication but limited resources, they train with the kids, organize small tournaments, and even carry out environmental projects together, such as trash collection drives or tree plantings. Such a project is worth supporting. With a modest goal of 3000 swiss francs, we can purchase a good set of soccer balls and training materials, and even provide the children with sports uniforms.

  • Raul, one of the volunteers
    Raul, one of the volunteers
  • Events also with the local school
    Events also with the local school

What happens with the money?

Our plan is not simply to hand over the collected money, but rather to personally purchase training materials and uniforms with the help of volunteers in Colombia. If we exceed the goal of 3000 swiss francs, we may even be able to provide sports shoes for the children or continue supporting the project in the coming years.

We do not intend to use the funds for gifts or similar expenses for our supporters. Instead, all the proceeds we gather will be made available to the project in Paicol.

As a token of gratitude for all donors, we will create a video capturing the moment when we surprise the children on-site with the new sports materials and uniforms. We’ll also share beautiful images from this heartfelt project with all of you. Thank you for supporting us!

  • garbage collection action
    garbage collection action
  • the «Escuela de fútbol de Paicol»
    the «Escuela de fútbol de Paicol»