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kOS CD production

de kOS

Graz et Thal

Please support kOS! For the production of my first album «The journey is the destination» and the emerging costs (studio, musicians, artwork, CD-manufacturing, goodies, tour...), I need you!!!

EUR 320

3% de EUR 10’000

3 %
Comment ça fonctionneä

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

8 contributeur*rices

Clôturé le 22.9.2016

«The project»

On 5 September, the recordings for my first album «The journey is the destination» with Markus Bieder as producer will start @ «Tonladen-Studio» Thal/Austria. Some top-class musicians will join me (k) – their names remain a secret for now ;-) After that I will go on a journey to the UK, the Canarian Islands, Barcelona, Rome and Salerno, performing on the streets and in clubs. Therefor I ask for your support.

«About me»

I, Klaus Herunter (k) have been busy in the music business for quite a long time. After countless projects, as bass player, composer, singer, guitarist, producer, kOS [ˈkeɪɒs] is my second solo-adventure :-)

«The beginnings of kOS»

End of November 2014, I decided to leave Austria behind for a while, and I got rid of everything I couldn’t take with me. With my guitar and 300€ in my pocket, I arrived in Tenerife – the idea was to play in bars and clubs. Eventually I met people, who invited me to live and work with them in their small community. There I found peace and inspiration to write new songs, and I’ve been playing them at the Paseo «Las vistas» in Los Cristianos for about half a year. After one and half year, I returned to Austria, to embrace my family again.

  • «Las Vistas»
    «Las Vistas»
  • «Songwriting»
  • «Origanal manuscript»
    «Origanal manuscript»
  • «Busking»

«Back in Austria»

Back in Austria, I «accidentally» met Markus Bieder, whom I’ve been knowing for quite a while. I told him my story and he spontaneously invited me to come to his recording-studio, where I played a couple of songs to him. With your help the story will have a happy ending… Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  • «Tonladen Studio»
    «Tonladen Studio»
  • «Markus Bieder»
    «Markus Bieder»
  • «Preproduction»
  • «Preproduction setup»
    «Preproduction setup»
  • «Busking Graz»
    «Busking Graz»