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Lausch - «Glass Bones»

di Listencareful

Waldviertel e Vienna

We are working on our fourth studio-album «Glass Bones». To fully fund our upcoming release, we need your support!

EUR 2’120

111% di EUR 1’900

111 %
Come funzionaä

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

52 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 14.8.2015

«Glass Bones» is a milestone to us. And it could have your name on it!

Our new album and team, which we’re working together with, got our mood towards the skies for a while now. We fortunately convinced the Österreichischer Musikfonds with our concept for «Glass Bones». They funded quite a good piece of it. Now we’re optimistic about clearing the path of the last obstacles with your help.

Be the bulldozer!

These obstacles among others are:

  • producing
  • mixing
  • mastering
  • photos
  • grafic design
  • music clips

12 ears > 6 ears

Unlike with our previous records, we decided on out-sourcing some of the stages of production and to allow ourselves enough time with song-writing. That’s one of the reasons why this release will cost more than all prior albums together. Our work progresses with the go-getting manpower of producer Georg Gabler (GAB Music Factory) and band manager Jonathan Gabler (Panta R&E), who both worked together with Mother’s Cake (amongst others). We also can count on the most accurat ears of Martin Scheer (Bilderbuch, and many more), who will be in charge of mastering. Andreas Jakwerth will be shooting our new band pictures, Birgit Weinstabl designed the ceramic heart on the cover. Our clips will be shot by Austin Settle (videos for Milk+ and Mother’s Cake), David Furrer (frontman of Milk+) and Lukas Windberger (former Puls4 cameraman).

Without the funding of the Österreichischer Musikfonds we probably wouldn’t be able to realize the production this big. But of course we are very glad to have it, although there are still some gaps in our budget. Those concern mainly the funding of awesome music-clips, new pics, graphic design, etc. There’s still a big junk left for us to lift, but we are more than optimistic to accomplish the mission with your help!