To give disadvantaged women in India's desert a chance to access education and training.
By doing so, we are helping to combat gender inequality in this highly patriarchal rural environment.

CHF 4’967

137% of CHF 3’600

137 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

64 backers

Successfully concluded on 8/2/2024

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Pavni, Vimla et Kittu à Jetwai, notre endroit préféré du désert./ Pavni, Vimla and Kittu in Jetwai, our favorite place in the Thar desert .
Pavni, Vimla et Kittu à Jetwai, notre endroit préféré du désert./ Pavni, Vimla and Kittu in Jetwai, our favorite place in the Thar desert .

ar contributors,

We’re pleased to announce that we’re about to post out the counterparties. If you live in the canton of Fribourg, we will deliver them directly to your letterbox or milk box. Don’t forget to check it!

We have brought ourselves all the rewards exclusively from India : teas, spices, bags, groceries, etc.

We apologize for the time it has taken. Our last trip was particularly demanding in terms of both health and intensity. India is always full of surprises and challenges our ability to adapt, to teach and to question our Western ways. And that’s what makes it so worthwhile.

We were delighted to meet the desert women and families again, to see the projects coming together and to consolidate our relations with the local NGO partners. We were also invited to join Pavni on her work training at her home town school and to witness her in action as the future teacher that she will be.

We’d like to thank you for your patience and support, and hope that you’ll be happy to have a little piece of India brought to you.

Enjoy your discoveries, and watch out for the taste buds for some of you! Geetha, For Mahilao Switzerland

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Today, shot in Udaipur
Today, shot in Udaipur

And that’s it… this is where the campaign ends. You’ve been amazing, each and every one of you, through your participation, your sharing and your generosity. We’re energised by this wonderful experience and we’ve taken it with us to India!

So the adventure keep going on, and it will be full of surprises, learning, sharing and encounters. And as the planets align… the crowdfunding ended yesterday and we, Chantal and Geetha, met Paavni today!

Of course, we couldn’t resist sharing a photo of this moment!

We’ll be sending you more detailed news about your rewards and the 2 projects. We’ll share pics of our visit to her university with all the teaching team very soon!

More on social networks and in the next e-mail… We can’t say it enough: THANK YOU!

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Delhi airport - Trishul Mudra (Shiva’s)
Delhi airport - Trishul Mudra (Shiva’s)


Chers contributeurs, amis et famille, Il reste 30 heures seulement avant la fin de notre campagne.

C’est le tout dernier moment pour la partager autour de vous… et c’est le début du séjour en Inde pour Chantal et Geetha ! Nous vous invitons plus que jamais donc à nous suivre sur les réseaux sociaux, nous posterons très régulièrement des photos et nouvelles toutes fraîches de nos rencontres et visites dans le cadre de la coordination de nos projets. Et nous vous réservons quelques surprises… il se peut que certains messages vous soient directement adressés… oui oui à vous, je dis ça, je dis rien! Alors on vous donne rendez-vous sur notre page Facebook ou instagram.

À très vite! Geetha, pour Mahilao Suisse


Dear contributors, Only 30 hours left until the end of our campaign. This is the very last moment to share it… and it’s also the start of Chantal and Geetha’s stay in India!

More than ever, we invite you to follow us on Mahilao’s social media, we’ll be posting regular updates on our meetings and visits as we coordinate our projects. We may have a few surprises in store for you… and some messages may be addressed directly to you… yes, to you, I’m just saying!

See you on our Facebook page or instagram.

Geetha, for Mahilao Switzerland

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© Phalguni Mestry
© Phalguni Mestry

And that’s it, only 7 days left until the end of the campaign!

-> Maybe you haven’t seen our new reward yet: «🎁 INDIA IN A BOX 🎁» which holds some nice surprises for those who take it, and a guaranteed trip to India… from home! Let yourself be carried away!

59 contributors have put their trust in us so far… Maybe you’ll be the 60th?

Give it a whirl, make some noise, spread the word. Keep the flame burning until it’s over! 🔥

We look forward to bringing you news directly from India next week. Thank you so much for your support !

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Image par fovesef de Pixabay
Image par fovesef de Pixabay


3667 CHF raised thanks to your generosity… and above all a chance for Paavni to complete her bachelor and inspire other women to follow in her footsteps…

The challenge now? To reach our second goal: 8,000 CHF What do we plan to do with the extra 4,400 CHF? With a recognised and experienced Indian NGO, we are going to launch 2 training sessions:

  1. to train 15 sewing instructors,
  2. to open sewing schools run by the newly qualified trainers for 15 to 20 women in their respective villages. In 4 months, 200 to 300 poor women will have acquired new skills and will be able to earn an income that will lead them on the road to empowerment.


31 CHF : cost of training materials, manuals, certification and transport per woman

76 CHF: cost of training a sewing instructor

118 CHF : cost of a professional sewing machine per woman

-> ROUGE RADIO INTERVIEW: 29.01 at 6.10pm

One piece of good news doesn’t come alone, we’ll be interviewed on the radio tomorrow Monday at 6.10pm on Rouge in their wemakeit partnership program. Be on time!


To celebrate all this, we’ve added more and more Chai Masala rewards, which were a huge success, and above all… we’re adding 2 new rewards and an extra bonus!

  1. for 80 CHF : 4 small surprise boxes that we’ll fill with Indian items and delicacies that I’ll bring back specially for you in my luggage in March!
  2. for 120 CHF : 4 large surprise boxes that we’ll fill with even more items and Indian delicacies.
  3. The bonus? We’ll announce it during the interview!

Share our projects, like us on social networks… these are the best ways to give us more visibility and to benefit to as many women as possible!

Thank you for your support, we’re making progress… and it’s all thanks to you! Geetha

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©Karthik Chandran - Unsplash
©Karthik Chandran - Unsplash

We’re already halfway through this crowdfunding project and we’ve got a surprise in store for you that will appear here tomorrow… Stay tuned, follow us on social networks, spread the word… for now we won’t tell you any more!

We can’t wait to meet you and thank you for showing us your gratitude. You rock!

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©Rene Vincit
©Rene Vincit

… of the total campaign goal!

To all our friends, family, neighbours and newcomers to the Mahilao adventure: thank you so much for your support! We’re really touched by your trust, you’ve given us wings!

Jusia, Matiko, Tatabea19, Vro, JosehKelly108, Psycho, Mehdi Valette, Layaz-Pittet, Janine, Servane, Sabrina Pricam, Brazur, Sayuko, Elena,, Karm, Famille Basset, Diane, CN, JMarc & Margot, Virginie et Jérémie Forney, Clarisse Macherel, Linda, Olhu, Cifragino and all the anonymous people… … You are awe-some!

Keep on sharing the project, it’s only by spreading the word that we can succeed. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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Namaste all !

Unfortunately, our weblink to the «photos rewards catalog» is not working. That’s the reason why we post it right here! You can also download it from our website’s home page at just below the wemakeit campaign overview image. Downloadable in English and French.

Thanks you!

Geetha, for Mahilao Switzerland

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Merciiii !!!
Merciiii !!!


Chers amis contributeurs,

Nous sommes abasourdis devant un tel engouement pour participer à ce projet qui nous tient à coeur, et ce dès le démarrage! En moins de 24h, nous avons presque atteint 50% de notre premier objectif! Merci infiniment pour votre confiance ! Et merci de croire en un meilleur futur pour ces femmes indiennes, leur communauté et les générations qui suivront!

Vous nous mettez du baume au coeur ! Geetha, pour Mahilao Suisse

Dear fellow contributors,

We’re stunned by the enthusiasm you’ve shown for this project right from the start, it means a lot to us ! In less than 24hours we’ve reached almost 50% of our first goal! Thank you so much for your trust! And thank you for believing in a better future for these Indian women, their community and future generations!

You’ve put a smile on our faces! Geetha, for Mahilao Switzerland