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ar Backers, Liquid Lovers, Oily friends,
The crowd-funding just ended and…..we’re going ahead with the Project!! 49 backers came out on the crowd-funding and we raised an AMAZING 2000 EURO, 60% of our Budget
Thank you so much for your support and welcome on board of the first Liquid Love Palace of the Nowhere Playa!
We are so glad to bring some fun, some oil, some love and an amazing experience to the Nowhere Burners. Join us, share with us, tell us your most oily wishes. We would be glad to have nice ideas for the decoration of the Palace and of course we would be delighted to have you in the volunteer team! Until some further liquid loving news, the Liquid Love Palace Team wishes you a wonderful evening.
Oily hugs, The Liquid Love Palace Team (Ariane, Barnaby, Chris, Elise, Rolf)