When I was 13 I started to play piano and listen to LP’s of my dad. The first one I was listening to was with the Liszt 12 Etudes d’exécution transcendante by Cziffra. I learned later that it is also the first LP my dad gave to my Mother when they met to make her discover classical music.

Later at the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles when I was 20 I started to learn the last one called Chasse-neige. Arriving in Zürich at the age of 30 I decided to learn the 6 left over. At 31 I finally decided I wanted to record them myself.

I don’t like to listen to the 12 Etudes at once, on a CD or at a concert and I dont think Liszt wrote them to play them all together. So I decided to put them on 3 different CD’s and make for every CD a recital programm. The firts CD with the 4 first Etudes will be with Chopin 4 Scherzi. The two other CD’s will be with Sonatas of Beethoven and Brahms Ballades.
The recording will be in Warschaw with the polish label DUX with whom I did my first CD Hommages already. Paying the sound engeneers two days, rent the concert hall and the grand Steinway D and the technician tuning and preparing the piano; later editing, cutting and produce the Master and finally make copy’s and put it on worldwide lists, this all together costs 7500 euros.

To be able to produce this first CD I propose you to buy it in advance and support this way the production. Depending on the amount of your support you will receave different compensations and the CD when it will come out.

The programm on the CD will be:
Liszt: Etude d’exécution transcendante 1 – 4
- 1 Preludio
- 2 Molto vivace
- 3 Paysage
- 4 Mazeppa
- 5 Liszt: La Lugubre Gondola II
Chopin 4 Scherzi
- 6 Scherzo op.20 in B minor
- 7 Scherzo op.31 in Bflat minor
- 8 Scherzo op.39 in C sharp minor
- 9 Scherzo op.54 in E major
- 10 Chopin Mazurka op.17 nr.4
Many thanks in advance for your support.
A concert recording of the 2nd scherzo in 2010