This is what it's all about.
My film is an 80-minute documentary. It’s about the textile industry in Greece and neighboring Bulgaria. In the 90s 200000 people used to work in the textile factories of northern Greece. Today less than 30000 are left. In Bulgaria, on the other hand, there is a lot of work for textile workers, but the wages are very low: Bulgaria has the lowest minimum wage of all EU-countries (260 Euros per month). However, often the workers are paid even less.
These are dismal figures… But my documentary won’t just show figures, it will also focus on people and places. How does losing their jobs alter people? How did the loss of the production facilities change entire landscapes cities and villages? What happens to a place, when the inhabitants have work, but can barely make ends meet?
My film wants to show. It captures images, that shall stay with us forever. While the first two parts of the film are about Southeast Europe, in the third (short) part we see Swiss teenagers: How do they think about this issue? With them we, the audience, can identify.
I work with a wonderful crew. They are very supportive and excited about this project.
See the English video at !!

My project is special because ...
David Hachfeld, Manager Clean Clothes Campaign, Public Eye, Switzerland, praises the film as «A very exciting project, particularly because it discusses the situation in two countries. Normally the focus lies only on one country.»
The film is a humanitarian look at the plight of textile workers in Europe and its unforgettable images tell a message that the world needs to know.

This is what I need backing for.
We need your support, to make the documentary. All collaborators but the Greek and Bulgarian crew work for free. With your support we can pay the travel expenses, board and lodging, the car rental…
Thanks to you all, who make this project happen!