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Manolo Panic want to produce 3 music videos: One interactive, one super frickin’ awesome one and one so rad your eyes will bleed with candy.

CHF 10’000

100% of CHF 10’000

100 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

39 backers

Successfully concluded on 26/10/2013

Manolo Panic? Never heard of em...

EXACTLY! And this should change now! But to stick out from the masses of young, talented Indie Rock Bands (that are willing to do ANYTHING for those sweet 15 minutes of fame) you need more than a bunch of nice flyers. Heck, sometimes a gorilla on a tricycle is not enough.

Together with MitSpeck we want to produce 3 awesome music videos for our upcoming album «Helpless and Strange».

For The song «Tiny Robots» that’s all about how you change who you are over time, Mitch came up with the concept of letting the viewer construct his own version of the singer. The screen is divided in three horizontal lines. In the upper line the head of the singer sings the song. In the middle line the torso and arms play an instrument or do silly things. In the lower section, the legs do their contribution. You can pick from a vast selection of heads, torsos and legs. Ever wanted a guy with a moustache and mullet and huge breasts sing a song to you, only wearing an elephant string. This is your chance!

For the song «Seasoned Noise» we went to Teneriffa with an original Storm Trooper Costume. Together with Florian Baumann of Cheese & Chocolate this will be the most visually striking video of the trilogy. Here’s a first stillframe from the actual video we shot:

For the song «Helpless and Strange» we also have a pretty rad idea. We will reveal it later on here. As a little teaser: It will be a bit kinky, graphic and fun.

But to make all this happen we need your help!

Mitch agreed to take our souls as his only salary. Still we need budget for props, set design and the (also ridiculously low) paycheques of all the professionals involved. The stormtrooper costume for Seasoned Noise alone cost CHF 1500 and we had to go to the Teneriffa desert to shoot it.

OK, OK I got it! But what’s in for me?!

Apart from the usual rewards like downloads and concert tickets we offer signed polaroids, your name in the credits, a nice dinner with the band, skype- and private concerts and a supporters night with an apéro, a short concert and a terribly bad B-movie and much more. Check on the right to find out what best suits you.

P.s you can also be like Barney Stinson and get your own Storm Trooper Costume!!!

Our goal is to fund CHF 10000 in 45 days. With this we have a minimal budget to cover rental costs, transport and prop designs.

In addition to the rewards, every CHF 1000 we will upload a video where Ramon has to fulfill a task proposed by you guys. So, let’s go and make it happen!

Ok, ok, ok und was springt für mich dabei raus?!

Die drei Musikvideos können wir nur mit deiner Hilfe finanzieren! Ab CHF 5 kannst du unser Vorhaben unterstützen. Neben den üblichen Rewards wie Songdownloads und Konzertkarten gibts attraktive Belohnungen wie unterschriebene Polaroids, deinen Namen im Abspann der Videos, ein feines Essen mit der Band, ein Privatkonzert sowie eine Unterstützer-Filmnacht mit Apéro, einem kurzen Konzert von Manolo Panic und anschliessendem B-Movie Vergnügen oder du kannst dir die originalen Storm Trooper Kostüme kaufen um sie selber zu tragen oder wie Barney Stinson in deine Wohnung zu stellen!

Unser Ziel ist es, innert 45 Tagen einen Betrag von CHF 10000 zusammenzukriegen, um so zumindest ein minimales Budget für Materialmieten, Transporte und Verpflegung zur Verfügung zu haben.

Alle CHF 1000 uploaden wir zusätzlich eine Video, in dem Ramon, der Sänger von Manolo Panic, eine von euch gestellte Aufgabe erledigen muss. Klingt spassig? Dann los!