We take a stand for the dignity of women. With the production of esthetic lingerie in Bulgaria, we offer young women a fair employment as we fight against exploitation.

CHF 51’455

102% di CHF 50’000

102 %
Come funzionaä

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

170 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 20.12.2016

moja kala

PS: click on CC for english subtitles

Bettina with our first employee in our own studio in Bulgaria
Bettina with our first employee in our own studio in Bulgaria


We love clothes that are m

ade under fair and dignified working conditions. Unfortunately we are yet to find fairly produced underwear which fit us and that we can treasure! We also think that too many women are exploited. Whether it be in the textile industry where women produce our clothes in fatal working conditions, or women who are forced to

come to Switzerland to work as prostitutes due to poverty, or even women who become victims of human trafficking because they have no other perspectives in life.

We think that every woman is worthy of a good job in order to live a life of dignity. Therefore with our project we would like to take a stand for the dignity of women by founding a sustainable textile business. With our label «moja kala» we would like to produce esthetic underwear in Bulgaria under fair working conditions. We specifically want to employ young women who are the most susceptible to getting into a situation where they are exploited.

Where are we today?

Our Bulgarian production enterprise is already established, and we

have already employed two seamstresses. In the current workshop we want to educate, support, and empower more Bulgarian women. For the design, sales and marketing of our product, we will found a limited liability company in Switzerland. In order to do this we need a starting capital of at least CHF 50’000.-.

Be part of it

We are looking forward to your support in helping us take a long term stand for the dignity of women.

Sei Teil unserer Bewegung für die Würde der Frau!

Wir freuen uns, wenn du uns dabei unterstützt und wir uns langfristig für die Würde der Frau einsetzen dürfen.

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