Moving into the Infinite

by Paramjyoti

Berlin and Munich

Moving into the Infinite - a poetic dance film. A declaration of love to that which is truly alive and inherent in all cultures, religions and human hearts.

EUR 8’455

105% of EUR 8’000

105 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

56 backers

Successfully concluded on 18/12/2018

Moving into the Infinite

Moving into the infinite - a dance movie for the big screen is born! Now it is ready to be released into the world!

Enjoy the glimpse!

The film is a declaration of love to that which is truly alive and inherent in all cultures, religions and human hearts. Impossible to categorize, the film alternates between scenes of dramatic intensity, probing interviews, and poetic magic. It invites the viewer to introspect, to reflect one´s own life story and to discover the secret inherent in all stories.

About the desire for truth in the guise of dance

A young woman, thrown from a state of innocence, sets out onto a spiritual quest. She follows an inner longing and discovers her calling to dance for god. As she travels the world, she meets and dances with people from different cultures, traditions and religions, finding common ground in the heart. A cosmic love story, «Moving into the Infinite» invites us on a mystical journey. Art, spirituality, peace research, human ecology, therapy, and community become the venues of the dance. Through its interviews with diverse people from 12 countries including Iran, Turkey, Thailand, Israel, and Palestine, differences melt away. What appears foreign at first reveals a deeper intimacy as we witness moments of initiation, conflict and celebration. Devadasi (Sanskrit: Servant of God) is one name for a traditional temple dancer in India. The story of this modern Devadasi – her projects and journey – serves to shed light on the intention and nature of temple dance, beyond borders of tradition and religion.

The film seeks to go beyond the differences, beyond fear of touch, and to penetrate into that which is common. ’Moving into the Infinite’ is an invitation to break down borders and to grow beyond one’s own horizon. In the film, the story of a grandmother displays this beautifully. Having experienced utmost cruelty, she is able to overcome feelings of rage, hatred and revenge, inspiring her entire family to seek reconciliation and peace.

Distribution, Promotion, Venues

After almost 5 years of Paramjyoti’s unsalaried work, generous support of many friends, and donations in all forms, our film is completed and available in two languages (English, German). Now it is time to share it with you! We are ready to screen «Moving into the Infinite» in studio cinemas and other suitable venues and events. For the final post-production and for distribution and PR we need your financial support. 8000 Euros will help us to organize an Event-Cinema-Tour through Germany and Switzerland, including dance-concerts and workshops. With 12000 Euros we can make the film available on DVD and set up an online shop on the film´s website for streaming and download. Everything in addition to this will enable us to create further Live-Events and expand our tour internationally. You are most welcome to donate in additional ways, too! This community-building work of art has been created out of enthusiasm and love. It is brought to life through the idealistic contributions of multiple talents and communal efforts. You can send us the name of your favorite cinema in town, you can distribute flyers and posters, become the local distributor, engage in book-keeping, social media networking etc. Whoever is inspired to help will receive his/her individually tailored task! We are looking forward to meet you! Please make sure to come at least to one of our events, mentioned on our website ( with as many friends as possible, in order to celebrate with us! There is no entrance fee for the World Premiere in Cinema Babylon in Berlin in the night of the 4th of January - this is our gift for you!